Billie's [P.O.V.]

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It's 5:30 AM and Casper and I have been talking for what seems like minutes, but in reality has been hours. Our circumstances are a bit odd, but I'm enjoying the conversation we're having and its nice to have someone who actually listens. Although I'm not exactly 100% sure of what's happening right now and why. Finally, he goes quiet. I take this as my chance to say something risque. "I really enjoyed talking to you, tonight." He laughs, "Technically, this MORNING. But same here." "So.. Is this a one off? Or something greater than that?" He sounds hopeful, and my heart soars. "I'll be here. Same time tomorrow. If you want this one off to become something greater." I say. "Great!" He says cheerfully. I grin, "Don't you mean, 'Greater'?" "No," He chuckles, "Greatest." I laugh at him, before quickly saying "Goodnight Casper, or rather, good morning." "Good morning to you too, Billie." I hang up, and sink into my swivel chair. My eyes are dry and sore and I'm certainly exhausted. I get up, turn off the Recording Centre, the lights and lock the doors behind me. I hop into Chang and drive home, collapsing into the soft mattress of my bed.

When I wake up, my room is cold, and the house abuzz. It's Gus's first day of school here and I bet he's excited. He's the kind of student who absolutely lives for homework, hangs out with the 'right' crowd and never gets less than an A+ on work. I bounce out of bed, thinking of Casper and change into my pair of black ripped jeans (with more rip than actual jean) and pull over a small white crop top which sits just above my bellybutton. I chuck on a pair of converse and head to the kitchen, my leather jacket in hand. Everyone looks up as I enter. "Morning, love!" Mum smiles. Gus stares. "What?" I growl. "Your outfit. Its too showy." He frowns. "Oh, boo-hoo! I'm not ten, or forty!" I snap back, Sorry, mum" I give her a smile. "Hey, no fighting, you two!" Dad enters the room and gives Gus a hearty pat on the shoulder. "Ready, mate?" Gus nods. 

"So many people." Gus squeaks. I nod my head and sling my quilted bag over my shoulder, heading to the office. I have to sign him in as a 'Visitor' or whatever. But he's coming to all my classes anyways. I suppose my father did this. We walk to Chemistry then Maths, and then English. Until finally, break arrives and we head off to the Library where we'll meet Charleigh and Abigail. I'm hoping that they won't crush on him. That'd be a bit awkward. Especially since he's already had a couple dozen girls eye flirt with him over the past two hours. They give us broad smiles when we arrive. "Who's the boyfriend, huh?" Charleigh pipes up. I sit down on the red sofa and say, "This is Gus. He's an old schoolmate back from Seattle. He's visiting." They both frown at me. "Oh?So you're not romantically involved?" Abi asks, her head tilted to the side. "Ye-" I shoot Gus a glance, I know he wants something more, but I'm not sure I want that. "No." I say through gritted teeth, "We're not." They move on after that, leaving Gus to quietly join in on the conversation. "So, Classic Sense," Charleigh starts to say. Gus looks up, "What? You guys know CS?!" We laugh, hysterically at him. "Know them?!" I splutter, "We are them!" Gus's mouth drops open, and before he can say anything, Charleigh shoves a hand over his mouth. "But you better not say anything!" She hisses. He nods, shaking off her hand. He leans in, grinning wildly; I can smell chocolate on his breath. "Your secret's safe with me if you show me to your lair." We smile at each other. He's more than welcome there.

We arrive at the Studio, all three of our cars lined up outside, before heading in. Gus scopes out his surroundings, looking impressed. We take him up to the main floor, our Recording Centre and sit down. Abi turns on the necessary buttons for the Live Stream from the Studio. It doesn't work. Her face flushes, fiery red hair clashing against the contour of her cheeks. "Uhm..." She mutters under her breath, jiggling and moving around compartments on the control panel. "You okay, Abi?" She seems stressed. Finally, she gives up. She sighs, "No. I'm sorry." My heart deflates. We all stare uselessly at each other. "Hey! I know how to work one of those!" Gus smiles. "Really?" I ask. He nods and looks over at everything we have. "Do you mind?" "Not at all!" Abi laughs, "Go for it!" He smiles again and sets to work, pressing buttons and switching switches until he finishes at around 7 PM. I look over his work, "Crap you're good..." Abi nods, "We could do with someone like you around here." "Yeah!" Charleigh agrees. I nod my head, "Yup, so if you wanted-" "YES!" He yells, "YES! YES! YES!" He's shouting to the sky, and before we can stop him, he pulls us into a hug. "You guys are awesome!" "So are you!" Charleigh giggles.

Gus and I arrive home late, our dinner sitting cold on the table. "Hi!" I say as we walk in the door, "Sorry that we're late, we stopped by the Studio to-" I stop short. Nobody's home, but there's a note on the counter. 'at Doctor's - felt sick! Love, Mum and Dad'  I feel sick when I read the note. I show Gus, but he just shrugs his shoulders. We grab our dinner and sit down at the table, Cop whining at my feet. I toss him steak scraps. Maybe they're actually getting a divorce? They've been arguing lately. What if one of them has cancer? Or a rare, deadly disease? I jump in surprise when the front door is thrown open. I quickly get up to see them. "Hi! How are you?" I say, looking at them. My father gives me a small smile, "We're fine, Billie." Mum nods, but she's pale and weak and wobbling all over the place. I stare at them, silently willing them to tell me. I'm not stupid. They should know that. After awhile or sitting and watching Tv, everyone heads off to bed. I take a quick shower before dressing in warm clothes and heading for Chang. It's time to see if Casper calls.

I've been reading a book assigned for English. Moby Dick? I think? Finally, at exactly 3:30 AM. A voice comes over "Hello" I rush to the mic, breathless when I get there, "Hi!" I'm smiling, I'm glad he decided to call. I want to tell him about my day. But first, I have some questions. We get on with our usual banter, before I ask him, "How, uh, old are you, Casper Bellman?" "17" He answers. "Where do you live?""Indianapolis!" I go quiet. "You there, Billie?" I'm shocked."Yeah, yes, sorry." "I live in Indianapolis too. I'm 17 too." I say. He laughs, "Great!" "No," I answer, giggling, "Greater." I wait for him to finish it. Like last time. "Greatest."

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