Casper's [P.O.V.]

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She lives in Indianapolis? What? She could live next door to me?! Or across the street! I probably knew her at school! These thoughts race through my head like a raging fire as Billie continues talking about what's going on with her. I force myself out of my daze and listen to her. I mean, come on! It's not every day that a girl sits up through the night just to talk to me! She starts talking about music and I'm thinking how lucky I am that she does. But then I remember that I googled "Classic Sense" and a million things came up to do with her Radio Station about classical music playing. "Billie," I say, as naturally as I can, "What about Music do you like?" I swear she's shrugging, and says easily, "Everything. I can play the Violin." I nod even though she can't see me. "I play the Electric Guitar and drums." She giggles, "So you're hardcore?" "And you're classical and sophisticated." She laughs again.

I could swear as I hop in the shower that morning, that I'm practically glowing. With awe? Love? Hope? I couldn't be sure. But perhaps all of them. Not so much that I sing in the shower, but I do know that its a step up. Later, Cherry comes over and I tell her about the glow that I have come to name my aura, and she absolutely laughs herself to tears. She tells me that, "Oh god have I gone crazy? It's happiness!" I feel my mouth twitch, a smile threatening to burst out and instead laugh. This girl has made me happy! Float-y, light, like a mother freaking cloud! I even manage a smile at mum and dad. Again, I could almost swear their eyes fill with tears.

I'd like to say that she gives me enough hope to actually walk outside of the house. But this isn't a movie, and I'm not brave like a 'loverboy' should be. I'm not Augustus, I can't grant her, her dream, and I barely know her. But I do know, that this is a start. A wonderful, miraculous start.





Hey my dudes, gals and nb pals! Winter Holidays are here in NZ and I thought I could drop a couple great chapters in on you all. But sadly, plans have caused me to not do so and I'm sorry for that, and also this tiny chapter! Leave a 'vote' if you want to read more of Billie and Casper!


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