Chapter 17

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A/N-I know this is kinda a bad ending but this is the second to last chapter!
Hope you enjoy!

Percy's POV
"I want you to join the Avengers."

I took a deep breath.

After talking to my friends and family, I've decided and I have my answer.

It's not like this is a super serious question, but I could actually do this for a living. Basically publicly being a demigod with monsters and evil mortals chasing after me.

Being a child of the Big Three was enough, but this could probably kill me.
(Nico told me to tell y'all that I was impossible to kill. Yea right...)

Anyway, I had a lot of reasons to say no.
I did not want to save the world again.
I don't want the fame.
I don't want the money.
I would get hurt.
I wouldn't have a normal life.

I didn't have many reasons to say yes.
I could save people.
I could get involved.
I would know I did the right thing.
Unlimited amount of blue cherry coke.

Your probably thinking, "What about unlimited blue cookies?"

Well, my mom makes those, and she can't just make them into thin air.

But that would be sooo cool.

Maybe I could talk to one of the gods. They owe me some stuff anyway. Why not pay it in blue cookies?

Anyway, I talked to a lot of people.
Some say I should, save the world again, you'd do it anyway.
Others say no. Think about yourself for once, do what I want to do.

I pondered over these words.

I'm probably making a big deal out of this, and your thinking, "Oh my gods Percy can actually think and be serious!"

Yea, I didn't think I could either.

—Line Break—

I walked into Stark Towers.

"Hey desk guy! Since we're buddies and stuff," I'm pretty sure that there was a new guy at the desk than last time. Oops. "Could you let me in to see the Avengers?"

He rolled his eyes. "You are not allowed without an appointment. Name?"

"Uh, I don't have an appointment, but if you tell them that Percy Jackson wants to see them, they should say yes."

He rolled his eyes, again. "Yea right."

"Please. Just do it." I asked.

When he rolled his eyes again, I wondered if he was an Athena kid, since Annabeth always rolls her eyes at me.

"Okay..." He started typing stuff so fast I thought he was clicking random keys when he said, "Looks like they'll actually see you. Uh, I guess you know the way."

I nodded and smirked. "Lovely meeting you!"

Then I walked into the elevator, letting the doors close.

The Powerful Mystery (Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now