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So sorry for not updating in a while been super busy with camp and other crap. But I'm back! So here's another chapter.


"Uh... I-i was studying and lost track of time." Cas said, praying his father believed him. "Sorry sir. It won't happen again.." he promised.

His father galred at him for a second before shaking his head "damn right it won't." He slurred, grabbing the front of cas' shirt and roughly pulling him down to stand in front of him. "This istha third time you've stayed out late."

Cas yelped and stumbled a little as his father shoved him against the nearest wall. "Gonna hafta beat it into ya i guess." He slurred, bringing his knee up to cas' stomach.

Cas picked himself up off the floor, groaning in pain. His father was passed out on the couch after almost an hour of hitting Cas.

Cas quietly limped upstairs to the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror. He would probably have a few visible bruises on his neck and arms that he'd have to lie about. Not that anyone would notice.

He cleaned himself up and made his way to his bedroom, carefully laying down.

After probably an hour of just laying there, there was a soft knock on his door and Gabe poked his head in. "Cassie? You okay?" He asked softly, sitting on the bed next to him.

Cas gave a muffled response and turned away from Gabe. He didn't want Gabe to see how much he was hurting.. he already worried about cas and he didn't want to stress him out. "M'fine. Go back to bed. We have school tomorrow." He said, trying to hide the pain in his voice.

Gabe sighed and got up "okay. Goodnight Cassie." He said, gently patting his arm before leaving the room.

"Goodnight Gabe.." Cas said, knowing he was already gone.

Sorry this one is so short. You get a look at some of what cas has to go through at home tho. I'll post more tomorrow!

i'll be your wings (Destiel Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora