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It's been a week since.. the incident. That's what they were calling it. Cas was still in the hospital, the doctor's wanting the make sure he was fine and that the pills he took were out of his system. Everything seemed to be going fine except for the fact that Cas hadn't said a word since he woke up. He cried a lot but never talked, no matter how many quiestions he was asked. Not. A. Word.

Gabe cried too sometimes. Not around anyone but Dean knew he did. His eyes were always red and puffy whenever he came to the hospital to visit Cas.

Oh did I mention Dean never left his side unless he had to? He was always there when visiting hours started and didn't leave until after they ended.

Cas basically ignored him though. He ignored everyone.

"Cas, I know you're not listening or don't care. Or both. But you need to know that me and Gabriel care about you. A lot. We want you to get better. Could you please talk to us? You're not a burden or anything. If you were I wouldn't be here right now.. I'd be at home, watching TV and bickering with Bobby and Sam. So please, talk to us." Dean said, holding cas' hand in both of his.

Dean sighed and watched as cas continued to stare at the wall, his face void of any emotion. He used to have the same look of guilt, pain, and hope. A tiny bit of hope that always stood out to Dean.

Now it was gone.

His face was completely blank, no more guilt. No more pain. And no more hope.

"..why didn't you let me..?"

Dean's head snapped up upon hearing the quiet, rough voice that he hadn't heard since that day at his house.

Cas was staring at him, tears in his eyes and a look of deep pain on his face

"Why didn't you let me..?"

Dean frowned "let you what?"

"Let me die!" Cas cried "Why didn't you just let me die..?" He whispered, tears pouring down his face.

Dean squeezed cas' hand. "because we care too much about you.."

"Bullshit!" Cas yelled, shaking his head. "No one cares about me. You all just fucking pity me."

Dean sighed. "Cas if I pitied you I wouldn't have stayed with you this entire time. I wouldn't have drove to your house, running three red lights, to get to your house to try stop you from doing this. I wouldn't have even noticed that you might have done this. You have to believe me when I say that I care about you cas. People actually care and worry about you not just pity you.."

Cas looked down at his hands "..how..?"

"You don't see yourself the way we do. We see you as funny, nice, passionate, amazing. You're not a burden and you're definitely not disgusting. I don't care how long it takes I will get you to see yourself the way I see you."

Cas looked up at dean and nodded a little, wiping tears from his eyes "I don't wanna go home.."
Dean nodded a little "I'll talk with Gabriel. See what we can do."

(I'ma do a little time Skippy thing.)

A week later.

"Cas is this everything?!" Dean called from where he stood in Bobby's living room. He was holding a box of cas' things in one arm and a few of his paintings in the other.

"I think so" cas said, walking Into the living room with a couple more paintings.

Dean had talked with Gabriel about cas not wanting to go home and they both decided that Cas could stay in the guest room at Bobby's. Of course, Bobby made Dean work at the shop to help pay for the extra mouth he now had to feed but it was worth it cause cas no longer got bruises every three days.

Dean smiled and led cas up to the guest room, putting the box he was holding with the rest of cas' stuff in the corner of the room. He turned around and watched as cas sat on the bed and looked around the small room.

It wasn't too small, it was big enough for a bed in the corner, a desk, a dresser, a small book shelf, and some room for cas' easel but not much else.

"I like it." Cas said, a small smile gracing his lips.

Dean grinned "good. Cause you'll be staying here 'till further notice."

Cas nodded and laid back on his bed with a small sigh. He would unpack later. Right now, he needed a nap.

Dean smiled and left cas to unpack and get used to his new room.

He was still worried about the boy, Gabe had taken his blades and packed everything for him to make sure he didn't take any over but he could get small blades from his pencil sharpener or even take one of deans pocket knifes. They are keeping the pills away from him as well. Dean has the pills cas needs in his room and will give them to cas when he needs them so cas doesn't try to overdose again. He was basically on suicide watch. He wasn't allowed to close his bedroom door all the way or lock the bathroom doorwhen he was in there and there were daily checks on his arms, legs, or anywhere else he could harm himself. Dean's also helping with his grades so he'll be able to graduate and get the hell out of highschool. Their junior year was almost over so if cas didn't pass he would have to redo some of his classes which means he'll probably have to do an extra year at Lawrence High. So he had to pass his classes if he wanted to graduate next year with Dean.

Dean prayed that Cas would get better, he knew it wouldn't happen immediately but he hoped it would happen eventually.. and maybe Cas would realize that Dean did actually care for him in a more than friendly way..

And maybe even admit his own feelings.

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