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Cas opened the glove box with shaky hands and pulled out the pocket knife that Gabe kept in there for emergencies.

Cas popped open the knife and ran his fingers over it lightly. He was about to do it, about to turn the knife and stab himself, when the drivers door opened and Gabriel got in the car.

Cas'head snapped up and looked up at his brother. When did school get out?

"Whatcha doing with the knife Cassie?" Gabe asked, trying to sound cheery but his voice wavered, showing fear and concern.

"I uh.. I was just looking at it.." cas lied, closing the knife and putting it back in the glove box.

Gabe nodded, seeming to believe the lie as he started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. "Your teachers told me you weren't in class today. You wanna tell me why?" He asked, sounding alot like their mom.

"I wasn't feeling well so I came out to the car.." cas said, another lie, but he was used to lying to his brothers.

Gabe nodded and drove home "do you think you'll need to stay home tomorrow?"

"No. I'll be fine. I probably just need some rest.." look at that. Another lie. Wow.

The rest of the drive was filled with a comfortable silence and luckily their dad was passed out on the couch when they got home.

What the fuck? What the actual fuck? Dean texted cas a million times, even called him a few times, but got no response. Why did cas tell him that then just leave? Why did Dean promise not to tell anyone? More importantly, why is he keeping that promise? Cas is being abused by his father! He should call the cops or tell Bobby or something! But no. He promised not to tell so he won't tell.

Dean was deathly silent as he drove him and Sam home.

When they got home Dean immediately went to his room, ignoring Bobby's questions, and texted cas again.

((Dean is this. Cas is this))

Cas come on. You can't tell me something like that and then not talk to me.

I have no reason to speak to you dean.

Yeah well I have reasons to speak with you.

When Dean did get a response he decided to just continue with what he wanted to ask.

Castiel I know your life sucks but you can't just shut yourself away. Will you meet me at the park tonight still?

Fine. Be there at five. Not a minute late or I'll just go home.

I'll be there. Promise.


Cas sat in the park, he had been here for the past hour, people watching. He didn't want to be home. He rarely was really, he didn't like his father or the looks he got from his brother. Most of the time he would just walk around, go visit his mother, or go to the library, but he decided to go to the park since he was gonna go there anyway.

Just as promised, Dean pulled up at exactly five o'clock and placed himself in the space next to cas.

"You okay?" Dean asked, his voice soft and cautious.

"I'm fine." Cas lied. Again. Pulling at his sleeves so the covered his hands.

"What's with the jacket? It's like, eighty degrees." Dean asked, hoping to get some truth from the boy.

Cas shrugged and picked at the edge of his sleeves. "It's a.. safety thing.." it wasn't a complete lie, there was some thruth to it. It made him feel safe but the main reason was because it hid his scars. "Why did you want me here Dean?" He sighed, looking over at Dean.

Dean shrugged "I just wanted to check on you, make sure you weren't hurt too badly. Maybe get to know you a little better"

Cas nodded and let an awkward silence fall over them.

Dean sighed and leaned back in his seat "why won't you talk to me?"

"I don't need to." Cas huffed "I've explained it before, I don't want you to get hurt or be uncomfortable, and for that to happen I need to not talk to you and hope you'll leave me alone."

Dean narrowed his eyes "yeah, we have had this conversation. And I recall you saying that you would let me get to know you and decide if I like you or not."

Cas sighed and looked at his hands "why are you so desprate to get to know me? Why can't you just ignore me like everyone else.."

"Because I don't want to. You've told me your story and I want to help you and make sure you get what you actually deserve, and not what you think you deserve."

" want to help me..?" Cas asked quietly, looking up at Dean "why?"

Just gonna leave this here..

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