Lets Have Some Fun In An Abusement Park.

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Sorry for never updating guys school started and I am swamped. Totally, completely swamped. I'm writing this at 5 in the morning so that I can update today.

I saw him. Oh my God. He was right there. Right there. I don't think he saw me but he might have just stopped caring.

Me and Dean had gone out. On a date. He was helping me learn to love cause I had no idea what I was doing you know? I didn't know how to act around him or what I was supposed to say.. it was all very nerve wracking. But of course, things just had to get worse.

So, we were taking a walk in the park- my favorite park, it had fairy lights and stuff if you went there at night and it was amazing- when I saw him he stood like, fifteen feet away from us, leaning against a tree and it looked like he was just watching people but then I saw the bottle in his hand. Which means he was drunk, in a park, full of children.

I, of course, panic and grab Dean's arm, shaking him a little and saying "he's here" over and over again. Dean probably thought I was crazy. It wasn't until I pointed at him that Dean realized that I was freaking out for a not so good reason.

Because my father stood fifteen feet away from us, at my favorite park, while I was on a date. Great. Just great.

Currently. I am frozen on the spot, staring at my father while dean is next to me, fuming. Just fuming. I don't think I have ever seen a human being look so mad in his life. It was scary. It was in this moment that he turned his head, his eyes landing directly on me. I wanted to run and hide and possibly scream but I couldn't get myself to move. My body would not move and it was horrible.

He glared at me and threw his bottle on the ground. It shattered which scared some people and made them look at us.

"Where the hell have you been boy?!" He yelled, grabbing the front of my shirt and lifting me up on my toes. My eyes go wide with fear and I grab at his arm, trying to pry myself  out of his grip.

"You think you can run away from me?!" He yells, starting to draw unwanted attention to us. I whimper and try to back away but his grip is tight and I don't think I'd be able to move even if he wasn't holding me in place.
"You can't run away from me boy! What would your mother say huh? She'd hate you if she knew all of what you've done! She already does cause you're the one who put her where she is! You stupid faggot think you can get away with whatever the hell you want huh?! I'm gonna show you, I'm gonna put you back in yo-!" my fathers rant gets cut short and for a second I don't know why but the I see arms around his neck and that his own arm was raised to strike me. He was about to hit me in front of all these people.

The arms around his neck drag him backwards, pulling me with them and making me stumble and fall to my knees on the hard concrete. I watch through my tears as he grabs at the arms and pulls Dean off his back, throwing him to the ground and panting heavily.
"Oh you're gonna get it bitch. This is none of your business!" He cried, drawing his leg back to kick Dean in the stomach. Before I know what's happening I am up on my feet and putting myself between them

"Don't hurt him!" I hear myself scream and I probably look just as shocked as my father does, less rage though. He grabs me by my throat and lifts me up onto my toes again
"What did you say?" He asked, his voice dangerously low and I -of course- can't reply saying as I can't breath in this current moment.

Finally, finally, an officer drags my father off of me and I watch him struggle as they drag him away towards the police car parking by the curb.

The last thing I hear from him are the words I never wanted to hear.

"She hated you! She never wanted you in the first place!"

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