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Cas woke up in someone else's room. In someone else's bed. He felt panic shoot through him as he realized he wasn't at home. He sat up and looked around quickly. He was in Dean's room. He sighed when he saw it was only a little after one, he technically should still be at school..
He laid back down and pulled the blanket back over him when he felt something rough brush against his chest. His bare chest. He looked down at his arms and saw bandages wrapped around them. He didn't put those there.

Oh God.

Dean did.

Dean saw his bruises. His cuts. He probably thought cas was disgusting.

Probably thought he he didn't deserve Deans help anymore..

You don't. You never did. You don't deserve to have him taking care of you. Go home Castiel. You're making the poor guys life so much harder just by being here. He probably hates you. Leave Castiel. Go home and confess to your father what you've done. How you told someone and let them see your shame. Get the punishment you deserve.

Cas quickly grabbed his shirt and hoodie and pulled them on just as dean walked in.

"Oh, you're awake." Dean said, shifting awkwardly.

He's uncomfortable Castiel. Leave.

Cas ignored him and finished pulling on his hoodie, Pulling the blankets off him and standing up.

"Cas..? You okay?"

Cas just shook his head, slipped his shoes on and pushed passed Dean, who frowned and went after him

"Cas where are you going?"

You're a burden to him. Go home.

Cas sniffed and walked downstairs, out the front door.

"At least let me drive you home?" Dean asked, jogging over to him and grabbing his bicep.

Cas looked away from him and shook his head "I don't want to bother you anymore than I have.."

"What? Cas you're not a bother. I want to help you. Please?"

Cas shuffled his feet and nodded "okay. Just a ride home.."

Dean nodded and led cas to his car.

Walk. You don't deserve to get a ride home.

Cas stopped just before getting in. "..actually... I think I'll just walk.."

Dean tipped his head, the corners of his mouth pulling down. "Cas no. I'm not letting you walk home."

Cas glared at the ground and turned on his heel, marching off towards the road.
Dean sighed and jogged after him, grabbing his shoulder "is this because I saw your cuts and bruises?"

Yes. Look at his face Castiel.

Cas looked up at him, seeing pity and sadness in his eyes.

He pities you Castiel. You disgust him. Look at the sadness you bring him.

Cas sighed and looked down "..you don't have to pretend you want to help me anymore Dean.. I know what I do makes me pathetic.. disgusting.. I understand.."

Dean dropped his hand from cas' shoulder, deciding he should probably tell the truth..


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