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Okay guys. This is it. This is the last chapter. I have had so much fun writing this story and I really hope you guys enjoyed reading it. It got so many more reads than I thought it would and I was so happy when I reached 2K I love the comments and the love and everything about this story and you guys. Anyway! Let's finish this.

Five years later

"Cas come on we're gonna be late for our reservations!"

I hurry with my tie, completely messing it up because one, I don't have any idea how to tie a tie and two, I like when Dean fixes it for me. So I let it hang backwards against my chest and quickly slip my shoes on before heading out of the bedroom Dean and I share and walk over go him, pretending I don't know my tie is backwards. With a soft chuckle that always brings a smile to my face dean reaches out, undoing my tie and redoing it the correct way.

"You're such a dork.." Dean said, smiling fondly down at me as he leaned forward and placed a quick kiss to my lips. I was the one who pulled away, taking Dean's hand and leading him out to his beloved car, reminding him we were gonna be late if we didn't get going.

It took only took like, ten minutes to get there but it didn't feel nearly as long since the whole ride was filled with lively conversation and off key singing from the both of us.

Once at the restaurant- some fancy pants Italian place that Dean knew I loved because of the unlimited bread sticks- we took our seats and ordered the same thing we usually got. Spaghetti for me and chicken Alfredo for Dean. Halfway through dinner, when the conversation lulled and we quieted down, I could tell dean was starting to get nervous and i- honestly- was starting to get a little worried.

"I have something I need to ask you" Dean said quietly, putting his fork down and wiping his hands on his slacks. I was starting to get nervous now too, immediately thinking the worst. My thoughts went silent and my breathing caught in my through when Dean moved.

Getting out of his seat.

Getting on one knee.

Pulling a small velvet box out of his pocket.

"Oh my God..." I breathed, watching as Dean looked up at me with those large green eyes I fell in love with.

"Castiel James Novak. Our life as been one hell of an adventure and I would love, if you would continue this adventure with me.." Dean said, giving a wide smile when he saw the look on my face and the tears pooling in my eyes.
"So cas.. will you marry me?" He opened the box to show a simple silver wedding band with two wings carved into it.

My first response was to nod so fast my head spun before I finally choked out the word "yes"

Dean's face just totally lit up as I held out my hand and he slid the ring on. It fit perfectly. He stood and pulled me out of my chair, pulling me against him in a tight hug as he crashed our lips together.

Two years later.

"And now the vows?"

Dean looked at me, eyes bright with joy and unshed tears as he grabbed both of my hands. "Castiel I don't think you ever really understood just how much you mean to me, to everyone really, but.. I can't even put into words how much I love you and need you in my life. You make me want to be better, to do better than I did the day before and I really hope that I can be the person you find comfort in. I hope I can be the person you trust with your secrets and feelings that you wouldn't tell anyone else. I want you to know how much I care about you, the rest of my life will be devoted to making you smile, and laugh, and be the amazing person you are. Because you are amazing cas. And I can promise you, that I will never hurt you, I will never make you go through what you went through before.. I love you so much Castiel"

I honestly didn't think I would be able to do my vows, I should have gone first because now I'm crying and my voice is gonna shake. "Dean.. Dean Winchester you.. you came into my life and you just flipped everything upside down. You totally changed everything. You made me see things how I always dreamed I'd be able to see them, you made me want to get up in the mornings.. you made me who I am. You will never know how grateful I am to have you in my life, how grateful i am to have met you. I never thought anyone would care enough to try and change how I looked at the world or how I looked at myself but you did. You say I'm amazing but it's you made me this way. All of who I am today is because I met you and I truly hope that one day you will know exactly how much I love you, because I do, so much.."

"If anyone objects, speak now or forever hold your peace.."

Silence. Complete silence.

"I now pronounce you husband and.. husband. You may kiss the groom."

Bright smile lit up Dean's face as he leaned forward, strong arms wrapping around my waist as he pulled me in for the first kiss of our married lives. Applause and cheers echoed around us but they were quiet compared to the pounding of my heart, beating in sync with Dean's.

The end.

Ahhhh oh my God it's finished! It's finally finished! I'm so sad to see this story go but I am Soo happy cause now I can start other stories and focus on them without worrying about updating this one! I love you all and until next time. 💚💙

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