A Brand New Fear

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You guys I'm so sorry I haven't been posting as much, school is hard. I'll try better.

Something hard hits me in the head and my vision blurs, the pain making me cry harder before I finally, finally, let myself go to the darkness.

I don't know how long I'm asleep but when I wake up I don't move, I don't open my eyes just in case he's there and notices I'm awake. I try to listen and figure out where I am but that's hard when you're holding off a panic attack. Vaguely, I hear the drip of water and heavy footsteps heading my way. He's coming. He knows I'm awake. I try to move but I can't.

Rough ropes burn my skin, I open my eyes but it's pitch black so I assume there's a blindfold over my eyes.

"Look who's finally awake" my fathers rough voice is right next to my ear, his hot breath on my cheek.

Pain flairs in my chest and I cry out against the rope in my mouth, feeling blood seep from the fresh wound and soak through my ruined shirt.

"I finally get to have you to myself, no one trying to take you away from me" my father said in a low growl as he digs, what I assume to be a knife, Into my side. I cry and scream as he drags it down to my hip, creating a gash in my side that will most likely scar.

I was in and out of consciousness for I don't know how long, my father making cut, after cut, after cut and my screams falling on deaf ears. I accepted the fact that no one was gonna come to my rescue and that I would die here, I just wished it would hurry up and happen. And finally.

It did.

It's dark. It's so dark, and peaceful, I hope to stay here forever..

But of course, when do I ever get what I want?

Pretty soon after darkness, just before I let go there was..

It's so blinding and sharp. I gasp and my eyes fly open.

I must have been out a while because the blind fold is no longer over my eyes.

White is the first thing I see before my vision becomes clear and I realize I'm staring at a white ceiling.

I realize pretty soon that this is the basement to my old house, the house I lived in my whole life and was abused in for years.

The first person I see is my father standing over me, face red with rage before two officers run over in what seems like slow motion.

I guess someone found me, someone was looking.

Dean was looking. I know he was I hoped he was the whole time but I never really thought he would.

Of course he would he loves me why wouldn't he look for me?

I must have passed out again cause the next thing I know I'm in an ambulance, doctors trying to get me to stay awake by asking me questions and talking to me. I didn't work though cause I blacked out again, waking up this time in a hospital bed with bandages wrapped tight around my torso and shoulders.

I'm not alone for very long and soon there a knock on my door and Dean sticks his head in, letting out a relieved sigh "oh good you're awake.. I was starting to get worried." He said, walking into the room and taking the seat next to the bed. "It's been almost three hours since they brought you in and they were saying you could be in a coma but I knew you weren't. I knew you'd wake up." Dean gave a tight smile and held my hand, obviously still worried.

"I'm okay Dean. You don't have to worry anymore" I said, bringing Dean's hand up to my lips and kissing his knuckles. "You found me and I'm safe now."

"I know. But God I was so worried, when I saw him take you I just- I panicked and I called the cops and it took them almost two days to find you even though I told them- I gave them your father's address but they said that you wouldn't be there. But you were." Dean rushed, tripping over his words in an effort to get them out faster.

"Well they found me just in time. Any longer and I probably would have been dead" I said, almost casually and with a small shrug of my shoulders.

Dean pulled his chair closer and held my hand in both of his "I'm so glad you're okay, I was just beside myself with worry- you can ask Bobby. Or Sam. They'll tell you how bad I was." He let out a small laugh and rubbed the back of his neck. "I knew you'd be okay though, I could just feel it." He looks at me with those big, green eyes and I just melted under his gaze.

"Kiss me"

I watch Dean's face split into a huge grin and he leans forward, placing a soft, gently kiss on my lips. And for the first time in a while I think that maybe it'll be okay. Because I'll always have Dean.

I am so sorry it took me forever to get this up, I haven't had the motovation and school has been shit. I'm sorry.

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