normal days in a normal time.

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On planet Earth...there was a big city in the middle of an island. Well, not in the middle, but near the shorelines.

The island itself was called Goiky, it was established many years ago, but who knows what when they founded it.

And the city was called Yoyle City, because it was near its rural part, Yoyleland. And who knows what can be named with Yoyle in it, besides the berries that grow and the cakes that they make.

Anyways, it was a like a tourist attraction going to the city, despite the fact that it was well populated, it was good enough for people to enjoy their time, trying out different places to eat and drink. Also resting.

But besides the city, not far away from that place was another island, a little one.

This one was a lab.

But not just any lab, it was connected with two domes. Both having clear as day glass.

Inside the main part is where there are many sketches and blueprints, with designs and such, oh the beauty of making them.

There would be one person in that part.

Who would that be?

None other then the great scientist itself.

They were known for making an education show for the children in Yoyle City, it stars talking and walking number people.

The thing is, they were projects made by the scientist a month prior to the show's premier.

Because it was a test on a chemical that said scientist discovered. Being dubbed as 'insentitolife'. (original naming here)

The scientist was amazed with the outcome, being happy as they can be.

But that's was when they thought, why not try it on actual objects besides the material made from the 11 number people you've made?

And so they went, searching the city, land, and surroundings for objects to make come alive. It was difficult, but worth it at the same time.

Once they were (finally) satisfied with their current holds, they finally settled back down into their lab, putting all the objects down, carefully because all of the can be fragile.

The scientist looks at the objects for a moment.

A block. 

A bubble.

A coin.

An eraser.

Some fire.

A flower.

A golf ball.

An ice cube.

A leaf.

A matchstick.

A needle.

A pen.

A pencil.

A tack.

A rock.

A snowball.

A sponge.

Some lacrimal fluid.

A tennis ball.

And a slab of balsa wood.

I know what you're saying, yes, it's unusal and bizzare how this scientist managed to get fire here without burning, a bubble here without popping, and so so.

But, weird technology, future stuff, okay?

Anyways, with precaution and hesitation, the scientist put some of the chemical on each object.

It caused some tiny mistakes, but all of the items remained fine after all were done after the procedure.

The scientist, excitingly sits down and watches as each object come to life.

Some gained arms and legs, other just gained legs. It was probably because there wasn't enough chemical in them.

They were gaining a face as the scientist smiles sweetly, they always liked making new creations, and weren't like one of those cliche ones where they would be crazy/insane.

'This is gonna be amazing!' The scientist thought, all happy like.

As so they thought, making objects come to life was not really a dream to them, but an opportunity.

Yes, it would be unusual, but trust me, this is the same scientist that made living numbers. And a variable.

Continuing observing, the now animated objects were trying to feel their surroundings.

It was peaceful time, almost at risks of falling and harm, but those risks were avoided and prevented.

A time of peace and happiness for the scientist, but curiosity and confusion or the objects.

It was worth the time of watching.

(hi, its me, author of book, this is an au i thought of one night and decided to write a story about it. dont mind me here woosh)

scientist. (bfb/bfdi au)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant