please no. (part 2)

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The higher ranks sat at their usual meeting table. Discussing the matter of what caused the objects to snap.

However, a messenger runs in, looking frantic.

"Sir! Sir! I have bad news!"

The main higher rank looks at the messenger.

"Say the news."

"David Serio! The spy you sent out last night...hasn't returned under 6 hours!"

That means, bad news all around. If a certain someone who is sent out hasn't return to main higher rank under 6 hours, it would usually indicate they are being held hostage, or worse....dead.

He growls with rage and slams his clenched fist onto the table, scaring some others.

"These stupid objects! Their gonna us kill us all slowly! And we all know it!"

"Calm down, sir...maybe their just...interrogating him...?" A trembling person said.

"Yeah! He could be alive right now!"

Meanwhile, on the other side of the city. At the laboratory.

A group of objects looked at their newest experiment.

A stick figure, stuck in a tube of glowing green liquid.

They were fascinated, just how like their creator was to them. Seems like opposite day or something?

Joy was brought into their shells. They wanted to see more humans go through this, tired of the pain they went though, being treated like they were some toys to them.

So, they asked their leader, many questions on what to do about the humans.

"Hm, tired of being treated like that, eh?"

"Yeah, except, well..."

"I don't think all of them treated us like toys, I think the originals were just getting...too much attention?"


Later on, with the humans again.

The higher ranks were notified once again, from the messenger.

"Sir, rumbles are going near the wall..."


People rushed to the balcony, hearing various lower ranks panicking and screaming.

"Oh god, the objects! They're gonna break down the wall!"

"All of them?!"

"YES!" (justseriousthings)

The main high rank just sat there messaging a certain group of people.

"Sir, what are you doing?! We have to get out of here!"

"I know. I'm preparing the escape plan."

"The what--?"

And as if time stopped, he said.

"Prepare the space ships. We're moving to a New Earth."

(two chapters in a row! woo! but this plot is getting intense!...kinda? i dunno.)

scientist. (bfb/bfdi au)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora