doing myself a favor.

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Time passes by as Scientist sits on a bench near their lab.

Recently, everything has been going nice and tidy, a few life lessons then and there, but it all went fine.

All of their creations have been fine, being taught the ways of living life that is.

The group of friends always make a stop to see Scientist, to check on how their requests were doing.

"How are the requests doing?"

"Fine and well."

"I wanna see 'em!"

"Just be patient, it will take some time."

Currently, the scientist was thinking of one thing on their mind.

It was about those requests, one of them kept them pondering in thoughts.

"Why did one of them..."

"...bring me a bomb?"

Thinking outloud, they look at the city, seemed active like usual.

"Are they...trying to kill me?" They thought.

They shook it off, thinking about something else instead.

It was mostly about their past.

What was their past like?



There was a ton of drawings scattered everywhere on a tackboard.

It was all advertisements, but not the usual computer printed ones...

They were all drawn, by crayon of course.

A circle was on every paper, talking about these amazing (made-up) products.

A tall figure observed these drawings, looking at them one by one.


A child ran up the tall figure.

"Hey! Hey! Teacher! Do you like my drawings??"

"Why yes, I certainly do...these are some unique projects..."

"Yeah! I know, I know!"

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