i want to know where you go.

574 11 11

First Day after the Creator left.

The numbers were making a big commotion on what to do, despite probably being practiced to do this before.

"So what do we exactly do?" Three asks in their grumpy tone.

"Weee...check in on the objects?" Seven replies.

Six shrugs silently, walking around the little dome they we're in.

Two and Nine go out to check on some of them, before screams were heard.

"What the?" Questions Five as the numbers rush back in.

"They're scared of us!...I think." Two panics, while Nine shivers.

Meanwhile, the variable, X, decides to wander around the lab.

They looked at some old blueprints from many years ago, it creeped them out.

Getting a strange feeling of the scarys...he went back to others.


Hours and hours pass, they tried their best but...they were too scared of their temporary caretakers.

So they gave up, finally knowing not what to do anymore.

The Crew put theirselves to rest, to possible forget about this, maybe it was first day jitters?

Well, meanwhile.

The objects were all antsy, they were trying to find signs of their creator.

But once the Number Crew went to sleep...they knew exactly what to do.

Some started to sneak out of their rooms, looking if Scientist was there...

Obviously not, so they looked somewhere else.

Outside...it was starry out tonight.

The water around the little island made everything more calming.

But that wasn't the purpose right now, it was time to find that scientist!

Thinking to their selves, "we're not gonna find them on this little tiny island!".

So all of them, yes, all of them got onto a boat.

Except some, who could...fly.

So off they went! Into the docks!

Getting off, or landing perhaps, they check out their surroundings.

Nothing but just other boats, nothing special, so they go even farther, into city grounds.

That's when things get interesting.

People were seeing, living, walking, talking, breathing, blinking objects! Who wouldn't be freaking out!

"Oh goodness! Is that...?"

"Seems to be."

"Is that supposed Scientist's creations?"

"Oh yeah!"

People starting to gather around, amazed.

The objects however, were scared and overwhelmed.

So many humans, too much attention.

It was just...

"Aren't they just--"

Out of nowhere, one them shoved one of the humans.

Then another, and another...soon almost of them were fighting back.

They got mad and caused a great uproar.

Two species being violent at each other.

It brought some higher ranked citizens to be brought in.

"Alright, alright, what's going here?!"

"These things...their harming us!"


The humans yelled for the objects to be put contained, but the objects however wanted to find their creator.

The higher ranks thought of a solution.

The city had to be...split into two sides.

On the left would be the humans side, the right being the objects one.

Lower ranks complained, saying it was not fair, but it was for the best, until Scientist comes back.

So the next day, a wall was built between both sides, securing the two species from causing another fight.

A thing from a far saw everything, and fled before being noticed.

(helloOOOOO everyone, i. am. so sorry. I did it again, more delays on stories! D: but don't worry, I got this done...i was just too addicted with Cookie Run...)

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