daily life.

990 14 7

(major timeskip incoming)

A few months have passed, the objects finally knew all their surroundings. It wasn't really about time, but they learned quickly.

The scientist taught them the basic steps of life, like how to walk, sprint, jump, etc.

As time passes quickly, the objects gained all different unique and extraordinary personalities with one another.

It amazed the scientist.

The scientist always visited the living numbers and variable, to tell them the news, each and every day.

"It always amazes me, their movements and actions..."

"Really, now?"


The objects were slowly getting lifesized, like most of the humans.

The scientist observed their unique behaviors, especially when interacting with eachother.

It was nice and all, but some bad things happen as a obstacle.

They got into fights and arguments, causing a commotion through their dome.

But, the scientist always rushed in to save the day, like a parent figure would do.

The scientist always thought some would be rivals, friends, or something more.

"What do you think will happen with Eraser and Woody?"

"Those two...well with Woody being a scaredy-cat, I don't think they can get to friend level, I have some hope though..."

There was always a source of entertainment now and then, so the objects couldn't get bored.

"Do we seriously need these things? We aren't like...real children!"

"Yes I know but, what else do you need to be entertained as I work?" 

Overtime, the scientist was getting more busier with their time, not having as much free time as they can have.

When they do, they try their best to visit both as best as they can.

But then, an important day was coming up, it made the scientist excited.

They had brought 4 new things.

An origami model.

A lightswitch.

And a stapler.

The origami model was white fully, shaped into what looks like a triangle-ish boat.

The lightswitch's outer area was a pastel blue, but the switch part was brown and yellow.

And the stapler was black and purple, with mixes of some yellow.

This day was important, and it was in the need of showing off the chemical on these objects for importance.

The scientist puts the chemical on them, waiting for them to come alive.

When they did, it was the same process the scientist did last time.

"I can't wait! Everyone will be amazed!"

The scientist smiles warmly, like always.

The event was going to be a blast soon because of what they will show!

Oh the looks of excitement the scientist will see...

It was something...atleast.

(take a shot every time scientist is read)

scientist. (bfb/bfdi au)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant