Kenny Omega

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For @Layla_Omega hope you love it

"This is awesome" clap clap clap.
"This is awesome" clap clap clap. This crowd were on their feet for me and Mandy Leon. We're fighting for the Ring of Honor Womens Championship. Mandy has been Champion for the last 7 months and has let power get to her. Right now, we both on the ground getting to our feet. She goes for a clothesline but I duck and hit a spinning heel kick on Mandy. She collapses onto her knees for me to hit the V-trigger.

Ding ding ding
I have ended Mandy's reign and become ROH Women's Championship. I'm crying tears of joy when the ref hand me the belt and the crowd going crazy with joy. Streamers going everywhere that it's made my vision even more hard to notice that my cousins Nick and Matt Jackson had came to the ring and hug to celebrate and my boyfriend Kenny Omega as well who kissed me.
"You did it babe." Kenny said to me.

Kenny's POV
Me, Nick and Matt are watching Kassie's match and we're all nervous. For the Bucks, it's their cousin's biggest match of her career and me, it's what I'm going to do tonight. Win or lose, tonight's the night where I ask her to marry me. For the last 3 and a half years, she's been in my corner especially for the Okada matches. I was going to propose to her after winning the IWGP Heavyweight Championship but I chickened out due to nerves. But tonight is the night.

As the match went on, we got even more nervous with how hard hitting this match was. Kassie has been fearless in this match by using moves that she wouldn't normally use and not giving up. Once she hit that V-trigger and three count, we ran from the monitor near the entrance to the ring as quickly as we could. Nick and Matt celebrated with Kassie first since they're family. When I went up to her and I kissed her and congratulated her. I let her go as Nick is filming for this moment for Being The Elite. I give Matt signal to get Kassie signal. Matt hugs her again congratulating her with her back towards me and places the title on her shoulder. I put my finger to my mouth to have the crowd silent and not to ruin the surprise. I get on one knee and mic in hand. I nod to the Bucks and Kassie turns around and instantly puts her hands to her mouth.
"Kassidy Scott. You have been in my corner for such a long time even before we started dating. Thank goodness your cousins introduced me to you because you have made me a better man. Yes I have made jokes about you being short but you get me back with my geekiness. I love everything about you. From your outgoing but shy personality to your dark brown eyes I have fallen for. Will you marry me Kassidy Scott? Will you become Kassidy Omega?" I asked feeling very nervous holding out the diamond ring. Everyone in the crowd is doing the yes chant. I look at Kassidy who has the mic.
"Yes Kenny. I will marry you." She said. I place the ring on her finger and kiss her. The Bucks were cheering before hugging us and congratulating us.
"Congrats on winning the title fiancée." I said kissing her again. I let out a sigh of relief that she said yes.

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