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Jerz had taken me to the city fair and I had lots of fun. Walking hand in hand with this man felt so right. Riding rides and playing games I hadn't had this much fun in awhile.

When we got to the food court, Jerz smacked my ass smiling and laughing. He had loosened up. I loved the way he was with me.

"I'm having so much fun baby!" I said to him kissing his lips.

Jerz glanced at his phone and his smile disappeared. "I have to make a run Yanira."

I pouted and gave in. He led me to the parking lot and drove to a part of the city I had never been.

"I just need to pick up some money real quick. Sit tight." Jerz jumped out and jogged up the Walk way. I set in the car scrolling through Facebook. My cell phone rang and I answered. It was my mother.

"Hey mama." I answered.

"Why haven't I heard from you?"

"I've been busy mama, but I'll stop by tomorrow after you get out of church."
"Good because I'm cooking. I just miss my only child. I love you YaYa."

I smiled. "I miss you more mama."

We talk some more until Jerz got back into the truck. I said my goodbyes and looked over at him. "Do you want me to cook tonight?"

"Who was that?"

"My mom. Why?" I placed my phone back into my purse, but Jerz yanked it out going through my phone. I tried to get it back from him but he wasn't having it. I set in the seat with my arms crossed. Jerz through my phone in the back seat.

"Why did you do that?" I asked him.

"You don't need to have your phone when you're with me." Jerz pulled away from the trap house. "Let's go out to dinner."

I was getting fed up with his controlling attitude. "Drop me off at Maya's."

"Hell no!"

I just set there staring out the window. Jerz's eyes cut at me and I rolled mine. We both were stubborn as hell. His phone started vibrating And I snatched it from his lap. I noticed it was a Renee calling and I answered smacking his hand away from me.

"Hello." I answered.

"Umm who is this answering my man's phone."

Was this bitch delusional? "Your man?" I looked over at Jerz. "You meant my man."

"No sweetheart, the same man that has been dicking me down, that man." She laughed before hanging up.

I rolled down the window and threw his phone out the window, then rolled it back up. Jerz stopped the car real fast.

"What the fuck!" Jerz hopped out of the car in traffic to retrieve his phone. I got out the car and began my walk. Fuck him.

"Get back in the car Yanira." Jerz demanded pulling me by my arm.

"Fuck you Jerz, I'm done with you!" I snatched my arm away and ran toward the bus that was coming up the street. He had me fucked up if he thought I was going to stay. I didn't care where the bus was taking me as long as I was far away from Jerz...

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