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The next few weeks were pretty stressful, I'm not going to lie. I had been staying with George trying to recover from what happened with Cynthia and, hell, I had hardly talked to the guy since I got here. I don't think I've been outside in about 20 days, at least, not even back to college. Just then, a knock came on the little spare bedroom's door.

"Hey Paul, can I talk to you for a second" I hear George say from the other side, I contemplate on not replying before he speaks again, "I've got someone here who wants to speak to you." Damn it, now he's peaked my interest, I have to reply now.

"Who is it, George?" I say in a really hoarse voice, I guess I didn't realise I hadn't really talked in weeks. I was still perplexed as to who it was that decided to pay me a visit, perhaps George had called my Mum and she insisted on making sure I was alright, I'm sure she would do that too....

I open the bedroom door and don't find George standing there anymore, it's Cynthia.

"Hi Paul" she says. I shut the bedroom door on her again. She's literally the last person on this planet I want to talk to right now, what made George think this was a great idea? Did he want to rub it in my face or something? "Please open the door, Paul. We need to talk."

"Oh, are you just now splitting up with me?"  I respond sarcastically. I'm actually surprised I'm still capable of sounding non-depressed, in any form.

"Please, Paul" she insists. I sigh and open the bedroom door, I'm surprised to see it looks like she's been crying as well. She looks at me and I open the door further so she can come in. She enters and sits on the bed, "So, this is where you've been for the past couple weeks, I suspected you were with George."

"Well, I couldn't exactly sulk in my own bedroom. I wouldn't want to disturb your little get-together" I can already tell you she wasn't pleased with that comment.

"Look, I don't know what I was thinking, alright. I met him on a night out, his name is Nathan."

"Nathan" I scoff his name in return, picturing some Brad Pitt looking guy next to her.

"He was just there to support me when you wouldn't, I regret doing it but I mean he offered me money and I know we needed it."

"Wait wait wait, he payed you, my girlfriend, to have sex with you, in my bed?" I asked, trying to comprehend the logic she was using here to justify her unjustifiable situation.

"We needed money, didn't we?! Plus, it's not like it was the first time!" she blurts out before covering her mouth in shock of what she's just accidentally confessed. 

"Get out" I say flatly, now holding the bedroom door open for her to leave.

"Paul" she starts.

"GET OUT" I shout loudly forgetting the bedroom door was open, George's neighbours are probably going to get pissed off at him now. Sorry, George. She didn't try after that, she started for the door. "We're done" I say as she goes past me, she simply nods in return and leaves. I shut the door, I hear George say something to her and then the sound of the front door shutting. I sigh to myself, more to process? Is that all she came by to tell me? Just to make me feel even more insufficient as a lover? There's a knock on the door again.

"Hey, uh, Paul?" I hear George say.

"Come in" He enters.

"Hey, how you holding up, buddy?" he says while rubbing my back in a supportive manner. 

"Not well, I've been locked up in here too long. I've got to get out of here and do something, go somewhere, I don't know" I say as I stand up, pacing around the room with my hands behind my head.

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