Through With You

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I immediately stop after she said that.

"What did you say?" I ask her, she looks like she's just told the biggest secret in the world. 

"Um, I, uh" she's shivering at this point, on the verge of tears. 

"Who the fuck is Chad?" I ask her, staring into her soul at this point.

"It was nothing, Paul is what I, um, said" and Hayley gets the award for most convincing lie in the history of the world. 

"Hayley, look at me" I tell her, she ignores me. At this point, I've got off the bed and am now almost fully dressed, she's still on the bed, curled up in a ball, crying silently, "FUCKING LOOK AT ME!" I demand. 

"WHAT?!" she shouts back through tears. I move towards her on the bed with speed, she gets up and grabs my dressing gown, concealing her naked figure, "Paul, listen please!" she's screaming at me now.

"Who is Chad?" I ask more calmly, even though I'm even more anger-filled than before.

"I was just really missing you and, I didn't know what I was doing!" she's almost terrified at what my response will be.

"You were missing me, so you slept with someone else?" I ask her, in disbelief. 

"Look, I know it sounds stupid but-"

"OH NO, It's very romantic, Hayley" I cut her off and start approaching her again. 

"Paul, what are you doing?" she asks, I'll be honest I was now scaring myself, what the hell was I going to do? Hayley then bolts for the bedroom door and runs out into the living room, I fly down the hall after her. 

"What the fuck are you two doing?!" asks a shocked George. We both ignore him and Hayley runs for the kitchen, just as I'm about to corner her, George gets behind me and stops me, holding me back. 

"STOP HIM, PLEASE!" screams Hayley, in pure terror. 

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME" I shout at George.

"Can someone PLEASE tell me, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!"

"I trusted you, Hayley" I say, my anger now transforming into sadness as I stop trying to escape George's arms and have dropped to the floor, "you told me you didn't know how anyone could cheat on me." 

"Oh no, tell me you didn't do what I think you did, Hayley" George says.

"Remember when we talked all night that time George was with his parents?" I recall to her, "I poured my heart out about how I struggled to find the will to live after what happened with Cynthia and you gave me a hug and told me that everything turned out alright because now we had each other" my anger started back up again, "DO YOU REMEMBER THAT?!" I leapt at Hayley, George having let go after I dropped to the floor was too late to stop me. 

"PAU-" Hayley managed to say before I punched her right across the face. She dropped to the floor now crying harder at the pain. I went to leave and I was about to exit the kitchen until I turned back around and said a word I had never called anyone before in my life. 

"Cunt" I said before escaping the apartment and started sprinting down the stairs. Before I knew it, I was running down the road, I didn't even take the car, I just ran, as fast as I could. The adrenaline rushing through me as I ran 7 blocks before stopping to catch my breath. I looked up and found myself at the lake, the same lake I had found myself driving to only a month ago. I noticed I had only now started crying, the adrenaline was now wearing off and my own self now returning and that horrible side of me that had been there in that apartment, been there when I hit Hayley, been there when I said that awful, awful word was disappearing. 

I looked at myself in the reflection of the lake and was actually terrified of the person I saw, I don't know why I did what I did. I felt betrayal, anger, like I had wasted my time, I spent this past month trying to rebuild myself and, in the end, just ended up back in the same place I was in back then. I didn't want to jump in, after all, I could swim so, this wasn't actually a logical option of how I could end it. Suddenly, I jumped at the loud honking noise I heard, I looked up from the lake and saw a railway track, a train speeding past, and there it was, my ticket to ride. 

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