She Will Be Loved

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All three of us sat on this hill for a little while longer, watching the different bands come out and play. Eventually, Hayley started to stand up.

"Well, the guys are probably wondering where I am, we play again in about 2 hours so I better go catch up with them" she said, much to my dismay.

"Don't go" I said quietly before I could stop myself.

"What?" Hayley asked as she looked up at me, thank God she hadn't heard me. I glanced over at George, he had one eyebrow raised, smiling. Damn, I hadn't gone entirely unheard.

"I said, we'll watch out for you" that was my terrible cover-up, doesn't make me seem like a stalker at all. I looked at George before I looked at Hayley so he could send me some kind of signal as to what her reaction was before I look at her. He looked at me confused, yep I knew it was a dreadful cover-up. I eventually looked towards Hayley, but there was no one there. She'd already left, may or may not because of my freaky statement.

"'We'll watch out for you?', that was the best you could come up with?" George asked me in a humoured tone.

"I'm never going to live that down, am I?" I asked in return, mostly to humour him some more, but knew deep down that I was right. What a stupid thing to say.

"Well, she didn't seem to bat two eyes at the remark" laughed George. Really? Maybe I'm overthinking everything I say, last time I did that was the first time I met The purpose of this whole trip is to forget that she ever happened. Thinking about it now, what was my plan when I get back? Am I going to stay at George's for a little while longer, because I might lose my mind if I have to look at that damn bed one more time? Was that crappy little flat still mine? I never told Cynthia to move out, and do I really want to confront her again after that last ordeal we had? "Hey" said a voice, was Hayley back? "You still thinking about her?" smirked a cocky George....oh, it wasn't Hayley.

"I was more thinking about the plan when I get back" I told George. He dropped his smile.

"Let's not think about that right now, mate. Enjoy yourself, we need to have more excitement. Come on, let's find something to do" he said as he stood up.

"Fine" I simply said, I was all for forgetting about my worries right now, "what's the plan?" I asked George.

"Over there" he nodded to behind me, I turned around and spotted all the tour buses lined in rows.

"What? The tour buses?" I asked him.

"We can go find your bird" he said, smirking again. Is he crazy?

"We can't just drop in on her, she'll think we're nuts. Plus, how are we going to find what bus is hers? There must be at least 50" I told him.

"I see you're not totally against the idea then" he said. Oh shit, did I not say I wasn't?

"Um, I mean, we, uh, couldn't, I mean, shouldn't" I started to stumble over my words again, I used to think I was a pretty convincing liar.

"Let's just have a look" George replied and before I could reject further, he started walking in the direction of the buses.

"God damn it" I muttered to myself before running to catch up with him. "I mean, what if she thinks we are stalkers, you know what I mean? She might throw us out, then I've blew it forever and th-"

"Oh my god, it'll be fine!" said George in a tired voice, like he was telling me it for the millionth time, which he might have actually been. Still, I could feel myself start to shiver, even though it was unbearably hot and sunny.

Eventually, we reached the buses, where there was security. Of course.

"Well, looks like we'll just have to turn back around and wait until their show starts" I said, turning around in a more relieved, happier mood than I was in previously. I began walking back till George grabbed my shirt to stop me.

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