Sunday Morning

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We both exit the bunk and I begin to make my way to the main area before Hayley grabs me in alarm.

"What?" I ask her.

"You're covered in my...stuff" she says, going red.

"Oh, shit" I say heading to the bathroom at the back. I quickly wash my face of her "stuff" and head back to the front of the bus. Hayley is the only one there, everyone had already left the bus. She hands me my shoes and I shoot her a "thank you". I slip them on and follow her off the bus, "Are you not going to grab any of your stuff?"

"Naw, we're getting back on tomorrow, remember? We're taking the same tour bus so we don't really have to take anything since we're only off it for one night" she explains. "So, uh, what do you want to do?" she asks. I check the time on my phone, 10AM.

"Uh, what are the options?" I ask in return.

"We could go back to your place and do some "things" or we could go to my Mom's house first and you can meet her?" she responds.

"I'd like to meet your Mum, sure" I say. We start to walk out of the parking lot the bus was in.

"It's only a few blocks down this way" Hayley says, pointing in the direction we're walking, "Can I ask you something?"

"What is it, Hayls?" I respond.

"Why do you pronounce 'Mom' differently?"

"I don't know, I guess its just a language thing" we continue to talk about stupid stuff like that until we reach the Williams' Residence. We walk up to the door and Hayley knocks before entering, I follow behind her.

"Hayley's home!" shouts a little girl's voice.

"Hey, Erica! How you doing, little sis?" Hayley exclaims as she grabs the little girl, who looks to be about 11, and lifts her in the air. I can see the struggle on her face as this girl might be getting too old for Hayley to lift but she was determined.

"Who's the sweaty guy?" asks Erica. Hayley laughs at that remark towards me. I am not amused, to say the least.

"Sweaty guy?" I hear a voice say from the kitchen, then the voice turns into a face as who I assume to be Hayley's Mum, approaches us from the end of the hall. She seems surprised at the sight of some "sweaty guy" she's never seen before, standing next to her daughter.

"Hi, Mom" Hayley hugs her Mum after not seeing her for, I assume, about a week?

"Hiya, darling" Mrs Williams responds, "Who's this lovely man, then?"

"Um, this is Paul, he's my, uh, boyfriend" Hayley says introducing me to her Mum and Sister. I give them a wave and faint "hi".

"Aw, well aren't you adorable" says Hayley's Mom, with genuine sincerity in her voice, "I'm Cristi, excuse the mess, we weren't exactly expecting guests" Cristi focuses on Hayley as she says that word.

"Um, so how have things been?" Hayley asks her Mum as we make our way into the sitting room where the TV is on with some cartoon playing.

"Nothing's changed, your father called" replies Cristi, as me and Hayley sit on the couch across from the TV, Cristi sits in a single chair to the right of the couch slightly tilted so you can actually see the person you're talking to.

"Oh?" says Hayley, slightly took off guard at that remark, "What did he want?"

"Call him back and find out, I just told him you were touring" says Cristi. Hayley sighs and leaves the room to call her Dad back, "So, Paul, tell me about yourself"

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