Sweetest Goodbye

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2 weeks later

I walk up to the door of the Williams' Residence. It had took me so long to build up the courage to even leave the house after George died. Now only a day after that courage came to me, I came here, I wasn't sure if Hayley knew or if she even cared after what I did to her. I knock on the door and Erica, Hayley's little sister answered.

"Hi, is Hayley there?" I asked her. She didn't do anything, she just looked at me with her little eyes, a mix of anger and fear, almost the same look Hayley gave me in the apartment before I attacked her.

"She doesn't want to see you" she replies.

"I have to tell her something, very important" I reply.

"Hang on a minute" she said and shut the door. I looked around, waiting patiently. I could just run now, go home. No, I have to do this, I have to speak with Hayley and just end things before it eats me alive for the rest of my life. The door opens again and this time Hayley's Mum, Cristi, answers.

"Hi Cristi" I say looking down, not looking at her. She was really the last person I wanted to see me.

"Paul" she said, making me look up, "she's upstairs" she said, flatly. She wasn't on anyone's side, I could tell. She walked away, leaving the door open for me to enter. I make my way in and shut the door behind me. I start up the stairs and find only one door closed, I slowly make my way towards it and knock lightly.

"Who is it?" I hear Hayley's voice reply, it was a sombre tone, not too upset but definitely not her usual cheery self.

"It's Paul" I say. No sound comes from the other side of the door. I sigh, knowing my attempt would be futile.

"Paul" She says, I perk back up at her voice, "What is it?"

"I need to tell you something" I tell her, I hear footsteps and then the door opens and there she is, the woman I fell head over heels for.

"Come in" she says, obviously more upset I had arrived. I came in and saw two guys I recognised from the band there, lying on the bed. What were their names again? Zac and....Jeremy? Yeah, that's them. They both look up at me and, from what I can tell, they knew what happened between Hayley and I, how much of it was true, I don't know. I look at Hayley and she's looking at me expecting me to speak.

"Um, I just wanted to tell you that George, um" I could feel myself getting upset so I looked down, "died" I look back up at Hayley.

"Oh God" she said, more expecting a half-assed apology than the death of someone she knew, "When?"

"The night of the" what the hell do I call it? "incident" I say, not sure if that was the right thing to call it at all.

"What happened?" she asked, intrigued and shocked.

"After I stormed out I went to a lake to calm myself down, I guess. I noticed a train track and I just wasn't thinking right."

"Then he called you?" she says, I look at her confused, "I was still there when he left" she explained. Of course she was.

"Yeah, uh, anyway, he left to come get me and I tried to stand in the way of the train, he ended up getting me out the way but the train clipped him in the process, his body just kinda shut down due to the pain, that's what the morgue said."

"Oh" said Hayley, looking down with guilt in her eyes.


"Hayle-" We both speak at the same time and stop to let the other continue.

"I'm sorry, Paul. About everything, cheating on you, making you angry and George. He was a cool guy and full of energy" she apologised.

"Hayley, I just want to say, what I did doesn't deserve an apology or forgiveness, I probably should have died after what I did to you. I want to give you the most sincere apology I can. I apologise for overreacting, I apologise for scaring you, I apologise for hitting you and I feel disgusted with myself for that and calling you...that word" I look down at saying that last part.

"Paul, I do forgive you. Yes, you might have gotten mad but it was my fault George died, if I had just controlled myself or waited or" Hayley starts to break down, I hug her.

"Hayley, it wasn't your fault. I talked to him before he died and he wasn't angry or mad, he even made a joke. It was my fault more than yours, I couldn't keep myself calm and I didn't come home when he asked me to" I started crying too now, into her shoulder.

"I'm so so sorry about George" she said.

"I know he instantly liked you Hayley, he never warmed up to my girlfriends, all throughout my teenage years but the moment he knew I liked you that day during Warped Tour, he almost wanted me to be with you. He loved you, Hayley, I know he did" I said, truthfully. Hayley started to cry harder into my shoulder.

"He was a nice guy, he didn't deserve it."

"I know, Hayley, I know" I reply. Eventually, our hug ends and we look at each other.

"I'm, uh, dating Chad now" she said, looking away.

"As long as he makes you happy" I say, now smiling.

"I never got to explain my actions" she said.

"I'm listening" I say.

"While on the tour, we had befriended a band called New Found Glory and me and the guitar player started to get along, that's Chad, and he just charmed me, he made me fall for him in just one conversation. I wanted to call you and end it before hand but I was too scared and I just didn't think. I felt, and still feel, horrible about it. It wasn't that he was better than you or a better lover, we just clicked, you know?"

"It's alright, Hayley" I reply, "I moved on, I'm still coping with George's death but I'll be fine eventually, I know he's telling me to just stop moping around and move on so I will, in time."

"We can still try and be friends" Hayley said hopefully. I could tell she still liked me as a person, not that she still saw me as a lover, it was that someone charmed her heart better than I ever could in a million years.

"In all honesty, Hayley. I'm moving back to Scotland, I'm going to try and explore new things and recover from all this. I have to move on" I explain, she looks down in sadness.

"But" she starts.

"I won't forget you, Hayley. I'll never forget I ever met you, and we had this experience together. I think for a short time, I felt myself loving you, Hayles."

"Paul, I still love you. But I have to move on too, you're right" she agrees, "Who knows? We might see each other in the future."

"Maybe" I say, "Goodbye Hayley Williams"

"Goodbye Paul....Paul?" she laughs, I never told her my last name.

"Smith, can't believe that never came up" I laughed too.

"Bye Paul" she simply said. I smiled warmly and turned around to leave. I noticed the two guys still on the bed, I forgot they were even there.

"See ya, man" said Zac, smiling.

"See you around, dude" Jeremy said, next to him. I smiled at them and left. I walked down the stairs and found Cristi standing at the front door.

"Cristi" I started.

"Don't worry, I heard it all" she said.

"What?" I asked.

"You think I wouldn't stand at the door so I could hear what was happening in there. I'm a Mother, for God's sake" she says, smiling.

"Cristi, I still want to apologise for what I did to your daughter. Maybe I have to go home and learn some more life lessons before I make it out in the world" I tell her, I then look down ashamed.

"Paul" she says, making me look at her, like earlier, "between you and me, I like you better than the one she has right now" she winks at me.

"Thanks Cristi" I say leaving the house and exiting the garden. As I was leaving, I looked back at the house.

"Hayley Williams, who knows how long till we see each other once again or if we ever do but, one thing's for sure, I'll never stop loving you. And I'll wait for our reunion with eagerness" I muttered to myself before walking away, this part of my life now over with.

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