First Hangover

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Ryan woke up and ran to the washroom to throw up. 

"fu-fuck me" he said as he rinsed his mouth out in the sink, the toilet flushing woke Luke up. Ryan slowly walked back into Luke's room to see no Luke. "Luke?" Ryan sat on the bed and held his head in his hands sighing. basically almost crying his head hurt so much "fucking hell" he mumbled to himself 

"here" Luke stood above him holding out his hand, 2 blue pills. "wha?" "advil" "thank you" Ryan took it and sighed deeply "why did you let me drink so much?" "Craig's fault" Luke sighed "also...." "what?" Ryan looked confused at Luke's long pause.

"can you um... tell me what you remember?" 

Luke fiddled with his hands and looked Ryan in the eyes, clearly upset at something but Ryan couldn't tell why.

"Well, someone let me chug a drink, you said it was Craig, so then Craig let me chug it.... ummm then you walked up to me and filled my cup and let me drink it..." Luke's eyes quickly darkened at the fact Ryan was sure it was him and not John.

"what's wrong?" "keep going" Luke persisted.

"well, then I remember..... you... helping me up the stairs, then you brought me into John's room..." Luke looked like he was about to cry but at the same time punch a wall. 

Ryan ignored this and kept telling his story

"you... went down on me?" Ryan wasn't sure if this actually happened but it was all so foggy to him. 

"then someone came in, then I think I passed out." Ryan felt sick again. 

"can I confirm your story?" "is that what happened?" Luke paused


"tell me what happened because som-som...." Ryan gulped down vomit

"somethings to-totally bothering you" 

Luke held Ryan's hands.

"well you got the first part right but none of that was me." Ryan looked shocked

"it was John, he didn't know we were dating and you kept calling him babe thinking it was me. and I burst in before anything could really happen." Ryan had a few tears roll down his cheeks.

"I'm so fucking sorry" Ryan got the hiccups.

Luke hugged him and rubbed his back

"I forgive you, you were drunk so-" "I love you!!" Ryan cried making Luke chuckle a little. "what about John?" "he felt so bad, dude he was crying." "we should forgive him" "should we?" Ryan chuckled at Luke's comment. 

later on they were just chilling at home because Ryan was still a little tipsy from the very strong drink Craig gave him, the Advil helped but not a whole much. Luke cuddled with Ryan, it was a nice day. 




Luke stood up to see who it was, he opened the door.

Johnathan down on his knees crying


he wailed

"shut the fuck up Ryan has a fucking hangover"

John looked up wiping his eyes

"I'm so fucking sorry" he slapped himself "what's wrong with me!" he slapped himself again "stop, we forgive you and Ryan does too now you can go... Like I said he's got a massive ass hangover thanks to Craig" Luke rolled his eyes and shut the door before John could say something else.

"it was John"

"did you tell him I forgive him?"

"yes Ryan I did"

"thank you"



I'm graduating soon and it's a ton of work and my teacher gave us like 4 projects on thr last week of fucking school, sorry <3


total words: 569

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