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I didn't know what to think about having the same last name as Jungkook. But having it kept on running through my mind while I was packing. Jeon Jimin. It didn't sound bad, but why do I have it? Also why not change my whole name? It'll be easier for Fall to find me with the same first name. Also just dying my hair won't do much. I constantly dye it so I'll need a hair cut too. Well there goes about seventy dollars out my pocket. That means no takeout this week.

I was just finishing up packing my clothes when I hear my door bell ring. This is odd though. People don't normally come visit me during the day since I work later into the night. I peak through the little eye hole thing to see two figures in front of my door. One looks like Jungkook and the other was new.

"Hello?" I ask as I open the door slightly to see who was there. The more I see each of the figures, I see it was Jungkook and... Oh my God... It was Hoseok! An old friend of mine from when I use to do dance. "Hobi!?" I swing the door open and soon he embraces me into a big hug. It hurt when he wrapped his arms around me, but sometimes you just have to deal with it. Jungkook seems to not like what he was seeing though. His face showed jealousy. Why though? He doesn't even know me out of the work field. All he knows about me is what can get leaked out from my work. So he has no clue how I live like a regular human.

"Jimin it's been forever. Also I heard you joined Bangton! I'm excited to see how you perform for us," Hoseok says as he finally lets go. Jungkook's face seeming to lighten up a bit when Hoeseok let me go.

"You work for Bangton? What do you do? I guess you already know what I am," I say as I lead all of us to my empty living room. It was full of books and pictures of my friends and I in college. I need to regroup with them all soon. They probably are worried about me too. I kinda just turned into a ghost after college. Only hanging out with coworkers when they asked me to join them at the bar or for a lunch.

"You pack fast I'm guessing?" Jungkook says as he observes my apartment a bit. I nod my head and then turn my attention back to Hoseok.

"I do the same thing as Yoongi. And yes I know what you do. Mr. Jungkook over there couldn't keep his mouth shut and I always get told whenever my hitman will possibly get a partner," Hoeseok answers my questions from earlier. I wonder who his hitman is? I nodded my head once more and then enter my kitchen to get drinks for us all. Hopefully I still have some bottled waters because I don't want to unbury my cups.

I quickly walk to my fridge to see I luckily have a few. Thank God. Once grabbing three bottles I walk back into my living room and toss water bottles at each one. They thank me and then we all start on a little of small talk. Most of it was just me and Hoseok catching up while Jungkook just sat there and listened. I felt a bit bad after just talking to Hoseok for most of it.... Well until-

"So Jimin are you like married or something like that to Jungkook now?" Hoeseok asks jokingly. I instantly start saying 'no' repeatedly while my face turns slight red. Jungkook just lets out a small laugh and then shakes his head.

"I mean I wish it could be like that, but I don't know what exactly Jimin is like out of work and not drunk. You should of told me he gets really sloppy and touchy after a bottle of Fire Ball," Jungkook replies with a bit of a laugh. I wanted to turn and hit Jungkook for bringing up last night, but before I could, Hoseok was wanting to know exactly what happened.

Jungkook went to start, but I stop him right then and there. I never I could fly off of an bean bag chair so quickly until now. Jungkook was cut off by me landing on him, covering his mouth, and pushing him to the ground. Hoeseok let out a small amount of giggles about what just happened and then said a few 'sures' and 'uh huhs' commenting about how I said we didn't have anything going on.

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