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"Deep breathes. The job won't be too hard," I tell myself this multiple times today. Looking out the car window, I see where we're meant to arrive is only a few blocks away. Hopefully today won't go down hill. If it does I at least know that I'm in the hands of a company that cares about its workers.

Glancing over at Jungkook, I notice he's really worried too. He was tense the whole morning and Namjoon trying to make us both feel better hasn't helped at all. I know he's worried about us too since he's not the one doing any of the dirty work. Jungkook isn't really doing much either. He's staying on the outside of the building keeping patrol. My job was to come in and deal with the target. I wish Jungkook was able to go through the vents as well as I can. He would have to join me, leaving Namjoon on watch. Pretty sure both of us would like that more.

I could feel the world spinning around me when Namjoon stopped the car. My stomach does multiple flips too. The building looks a bit run down too. As if no ones been in it for a few years. Jungkook grabs my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze before we get out and head our two different ways. I head straight to the vents, Jungkook towards the outside boarder of the place. Before entering the vents, I put my ear piece in and check if it's working correctly.

"Hello?" I ask quietly.

"Hey babe!" Well Jungkook clearly has his up and working.... I knew he wouldn't be able to keep his mouth shut during this job.

"I knew you two were dating! J-Hope owes me fifty dollars now," and Namjoon seems to have his up and working too. I rolled my eyes and enter the vent. The venting system was really clean. That's very odd for a place that looks so ran down when we arrived. This doesn't give me any hope that this will end well. People must have been here knowing this might happen... Or they just like to have a nice interior.

"Hey guys, keep a close eye out. The vents are really clean," I say into the ear piece, the other two humming in response. Making my way down the vent I notice a small blinking of a red light. Before I could get into any possible line sight of whatever that light was from, I froze. I can't really turn around and backing up will cause noise. I peak at it again real quick. It was a bomb. No wonder these vents were really clean. How do I avoid it though? There's no turns around here and turning around is no option too.

I could set it off, but that would draw attention to the vents too. What do I do? I can hear Namjoon mumbling things as he is also trying to figure something out for me to do too. How thick are these vents? They have to be decently thick if I can crawl through them, but will it be easy to cut? Grabbing my lighter and knife, I started working on cutting the metal. First warning up the knife. And then the metal a bit to cut it. Luckily it wasn't super thick. I cut a hole it causing almost no noise. Peaking down, I see there wasn't any guards around. Time to find my person.

"Jungkook he's okay."

"Are you sure? I mean what happens if he can't figure a way out if the vent?" Namjoon or Jungkook must of accidentally switched the frequencies. Well I think so anyways. Who knows Namjoon could of done it on purpose.

"He'll be able to."

"Oh.... okay," Jungkook says sadly into his ear piece. I chuckle quietly since his sounding worried was kind of cute.

"I'm okay," I say into my earpiece. Jungkook lets out a sigh of relief and Namjoon chuckles top. Now I know Namjoon purposely switched the frequency. He wanted Jungkook to know for himself while making a fool out of him too. No wonder Jungkook doesn't like hanging out with them out of the bar every once in a blue moon.

My surroundings seam too quiet for my liking. Looking around, there was no signs of life, but it was clean. Everything was clean! It's like someone made it look ran down on the outside so that no one would get caught. I have to push that aside though. Which room holds the next dead man? There was four doors to choose from. Twenty-five percent chance that he's in the room the room I choose.

Walking up to the first door I chose, there was some talking from it. Listening in on what is being said, there seems to be about three or four people in it. Seems easy enough to take them down if none of them have weapons. If one or some of them do, I might have some troubles. I open the door quietly, hoping no one would noticed. Luckily, no one did since the people were all busy with a game of cards. Now which one is Tao? There's four men, each with brown hair. Looking around the room, I notice a small place to hide and then eliminate.

Getting there would be tough since the room is pretty open though. The four men are still distracted by the game of cards, but who knows if they'll notice me when I walk around. I have to find a way there without getting caught. There's a few crates that catch my eye. I know I can hide behind them because of my size, but what's in the crates would get me caught.

Each crate has some type of liquor in it. Seeing what's at the table, clearly all of them are having some type of drink to make the day go by quicker too. Well sometimes I have to take big risk. I quickly crawl behind one box without making any disturbance. Movement of a chair was heard though. Hopefully they don't come to the crate I'm hiding at. Soon footsteps were heard, they were leading to the open crate. I let ourta small sigh of relief, but now it's time to make my next move as soon as the man sits down.

As I'm watching the man walk back to his chair, I notice who it is right away. It's Tao! Now I can try and take him out now and get caught, or wait a bit and get caught too. Maybe I can get Jungkook to come in? Would that be aloud though since his job is different then mine? I pull out my phone anyways and send him a message.


Jungkook: I'm coming.

"Jimin, Jungkook! What are you two doing? The whole thing will go down hill if Jungkook comes in," Namjoon yells through his mic and into our ear pieces.

"I don't care. Jimin needs help with these guys. What happens when he does take out Tao and the others in the room try to take him? He's strong yes, but I know he can't take three men twice his size," Jungkook responds with a tone. Namjoon and Jungkook soon start to nag back and forth. I wish that I wasn't in this position. I hear footsteps again, but they weren't heading to the open crate. Actually they were coming to me.

The steps were getting closer, and closer to my crate. Soon they stopped. My breath is hitched and I lood up. There was a man that was a bit distracted, but as soon as I move, it's game over for our plan completely. The man starts to pay his attention back to the crate, his eyes landing on my small body. Fuck. "How the hell did you get in here?"

The man goes to grab me, but luckily I know how to avoid this. I grab his arm and throw him over me to the ground with a loud thud. He lets out a groan of pain from the harsh lamding. I look behind me and the other men were ready to fight me. I rather go down with a fight then do nothing. "Get him! He's a small one."

I dodge the first guy, and land a hit on the second one. The third guy was running out of the room. That must of been Tao. Smart thinking Tao, well until Jungkook sees you. I continue to fight the two men who were up, until I felt a sharp pain shot up my spine. I look behind me and the man on the ground seemed to have got me with something. The man on the ground let out a satisfied grunt as I fall to the ground. I try to move, but my body refuses to let me. Instead everything was getting dark and fuzzy.

"Jimin!" Jungkook's voice roars as he enters the room was the last thing I hear before everything goes completely dark, silent, and cold. He tries to get to me before anything gets worse. All I can think now is, please Jungkook do what you can to get to me.

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