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Jungkook's point of view

I race in through the front doors once I heard a man ask Jimin why he was here. Running in, I run straight into the target. I grab out my hand gun and quickly finished what we were meant to do. "RM I'm getting him," I say into the earpiece. I run into an open room to see Jimin falling to the ground.

"Jimin!" I yell from the sight. Soon two men were fighting me. I could tell Jimin did a number on them once it took me a few punches to knock them to the ground. I look to see where Jimin once laid, to see him not there anymore. "Fuck fuck fuck..." What could they have done with him in such a short amount of time?

"Why are you cursing?" I must of forgot to mute my earpiece. "Jungkook answer me," A tear falls down my face because I knew I fucked up by letting them get ahold of Jimin.

"I... I couldn't get to Jimin in time. They took... him." Looking around the room, I notice that there was another room. That's the only way out of here besides the door I came in through.

My body reacts before my mind can. I was racing out of the door and yelling out Jimin's name. It didn't really do much for calling out his name, but it was worth a try. There was a road up ahead, and I inform Namjoon that I was on it. As I approach it, a car drove by quickly. Before it by completely, I had the chance to throw a tracker on it. I pull out my phone as Namjoon was pulling in front of me.

"That car! I'm almost positive it has Jimin!" I say I as entered the car. Namjoon nods in response, but didn't follow where the car was leading. He drove in the direction we came from. Why was he not heading after Jimin? "Namjoon why aren't we going after Jimin?"

"You know exactly why," Namjoon responds back. I lean back in my seat and let out a groan of annoyance. It's one of the first rules of being a hitman. Finish the job and go after your partner once you have permission to. I've always hated that rule. It's there to make sure that they can only lose one hitman and not possibly two.

Namjoon was driving the speed limit, which was about twenty miles per hour. I glanced up at him to see if he was completely distracted by driving. To my dismay, he was. The doors were still unlocked too. Well if he won't let me do this because of the rules, I'll do it myself. I jump out of the car and got to my feet quickly. Once on them, my legs were carrying me to where ever Jimin was going to be. The brakes of the car were heard from behind me, but that doesn't stop me.

Jimin's point of view

My eyes open up to a room with dim lighting and voices. One of the voices belonged to the man who got me into this mess. Another one of the men with glasses and light brown hair noticing that I was awake and walks straight over to me. "What should we do to you?" He asks as his hand rubs softly across my cheek. "We clearly can't do anything that will show on the outside. We'll ruin you're perfectly soft skin and beautiful face."

Well that was the first time someone has every complimented my looks before hurting me... if you don't include when I first met Jungkook. The man with glasses continues to inspect me. This was kind of weird. Never have I ever ran into something like this. The man is now turned away from me muttering to himself what he should do. The other men in the room are clearly keeping an eye on me, but not much to notice anything that I would do to escape.

Keeping a close eye on them too, I start to feel for the pin in my sleeve. Hopefully it's still there. Normally people only search for bigger weapons like a knife. I wonder if the knife that was strapped to my ankle is still there? I should probably check that out when I finally get out of these restraints I'm in. Shaking my sleeve a bit, I feel the pin drop to the end of it. Yes! Now time to pick myself out of these hand cuffs. The two men who were watching are now holding a conversation and the man with glasses is messing with something. It takes me four minutes to get out. Let's hope glasses guy takes that long.

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