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The room was silent. Namjoon, Jungkook, and I wait for Yoongi to come in and explain everything. Taehyung waits across the room from us. He was clearly scared too. If Yoongi didn't explain things to a 'T', Taehyung was screwed. Jungkook and I still have weapons on us and were ready to shoot if needed. The opening of a door made us all shoot our attention to it. Yoongi comes into the room and sits in between us three and Taehyung.

"All right," Yoongi lets out a long sigh and looks at Jungkook and I," Before I start, you two go put those away in the weaponry room." I look at him confused but listen anyways. I leave the room and Jungkook follows behind me. The weaponry room was down stairs from where we are. Hopefully we can make it quickly from here and back.

Speeding through the hallways, our way to the weaponry was quick. We put the guns away and sped back too. Upon arriving to the room we were all in, there was laughter heard. I look at Jungkook confused and he returns the same look. I open up the door to see that Namjoon and Taehyung were cracking jokes together like they were best friends. Yoongi's face was completely blushed too. What did we miss?

"Ahem," I clear my throat as both Jungkook and I enter.

"Oh Jimin and Jungkook. You guys are back. I was just getting to know Taehyung," Namjoon says once he notices our presence. I nod my head and take a seat with Jungkook. Yoongi comes over and thanks us for coming in since Namjoon and Taehyung were starting to make jokes about him too.

While Taehyung and Namjoon were becoming good friends, the rest of us in the room start some small talk. After awhile, Jungkook and I were bored. Yoongi notices this and finally decided to start and clear things up for Jungkook and I about Taehyung.

"Tae! Pay attention so you can help explain things I can't you dip shit," Yoongi starts. "Okay so Taehyung is another person I wanted to recruit for Bangton. Except I going wasn't to recruit him this way, I was going to come up to him in person. I know you know he's good, Jimin. He won't try and kill us. He isn't like you."

"I feel offended," I quickly respond. "Also why didn't you just ask me?"

"Because you would of tried and killed me for being with Bangton, and you were on a job to take down Jungkook," Yoongi replies while I roll my eyes. I wouldn't of tried and killed him... exactly. I would of first killed Jungkook, then yell at Yoongi, and finally kill him.

"Don't worry Jiminie. He did almost the same thing to me," Jungkook says. I nod before resting my head on Jungkook's shoulder. It was really late for us to be at work and I wanted to sleep.

"Night you two," Namjoon says dismissing us. I shot my head up happily. Time to go home and sleep. Jungkook and I got up and left, bidding our farewells. The building was almost completely silent due to most of the workers being home. It was nice.

"Jimin, I'll drive. You take passenger," I nod and enter the passenger side of the car. Jungkook enters the drivers side and starts to drive us home. I start to nodded off from being tired. Falling asleep in a car has always been one of the things I've been scared of though. Seems silly, but I have a valid reason why.

"Go to sleep," Jungkook says while he places a quick kiss on my head. I shook my head no. "You're tired. Why not?"

"Reasons," I quickly reply. Looking out the car window, we are only a few blocks away. I close my eyes and take a few deep breathes. Jungkook will want answers when we get inside or in the morning. I don't want to answer for either time. He'll probably make fun of me for my reason.

We pull up to the house and Jungkook turns off the car. He then leans back into his seat and gives me a confused look. I shake my head not wanting to explain and quickly get out. The air was cool and felt nice as it meets my skin. Kind of calling after my memories come back to be. Jungkook soon follows me out. Coming up to me, still fairly confused. I know I'm acting out of the blue. But memories I wished to go away were slowly coming back and eating me alive.

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