"I'm sorry"- Tal

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You been so stressed lately, and during that time, You have been taking all you anger out on Tal. You always felt bad after and you guys would make up, but, the next day the same thing would happen all over again.

This time, it didn't. The fight got serious, You came home and you saw that he left his hoodie on the couch and You started yelling things that you didn't mean to him.

"Tal! Why would you leave your hoodie on the damn couch?! That is supposed to go in our room, in the closet, or in the freaking laundry basket! Jeez! You never clean up after yourself!"

"Jeez, y/n! Chill! I was gonna put it on but I forgot something! You don't need to freak out 24/7!"

"Yes, Tal I do! I mean, this is ridiculous! I've dated you for one year and you still haven't changed back from your messy self! That needs to change!"

"Y/n, please, I'm trying to change that it's just-"

"No! Tal, there is no 'I'm trying to change it' thing, you're not going to change if you keep telling yourself that!"

"Y/n, I-"

"No! You know what Tal?! You don't care that I want a clean house, you don't care that I'm stressed, you don't care that I love you! You don't care about anything that I want!"

"Y/n, listen I do care about you I-"

"Stop interrupting me! Jeez you're so impatient! The spotlight always has to be on you!"


"You know what?! I don't care anymore, just leave me alone and never talk to me again!"

"Y/n, I-"

"I said no talking!"

"Wait! No I-"

"Don't talk to me! Starting now!"

You stomped up the stairs and slammed the bedroom door. Tal watched you slither up the stairs whilst crying of anger.
Tal has tears in his eyes, he felt so bad for the little thing he did. He cried for hours know that he could of lost you.

  You sat there for hours, wondering if he was still there. You were crying silently, feeling bad for what you did. I mean you can't blame the stress, you had to put everything you did on you, you had to apologize for your mistake. 

  You put one of his hoodies on with your Nike pros, and you put your hair up in a messy bun and gained the courage to walk down stairs.

As you're walking downstairs, you hear the background of the tv while he's talking to one of his friends on speaker.
It was probably Anthony, You could tell by his voice through the phone.

He sees you and you just look at him and walk away like you didn't see him.

"Alright, Anthony I got to go, I'll talk to ya later, okay? She came downstairs."

First of all, you were right that it was Anthony. And two, were they talking about you? They better not.

Tal turns off the tv, and just sits there silently. He was so nervous to say anything because he was afraid you would freak out on him and he would lose you.
You stood there in a silent and awkward way. You finally say something about his conversation with Anthony once you approached the first floor area.



"Um, were you talking to Anthony about me? Because I really don't like it when people talk about me and that's what you were doing and I-"

"Y/n, I wasn't talking about you in a bad way, I know you hate it. I was upset because I don't want to lose you."

"Really? Cause as my boyfriend you sure know not to talk about that stuff when you know I don't like it. Are we even still together?"

That question lit Tal's eyes in terror, he didn't want to lose you, he loved you more than anything.

"I- I don't know.."

"How can you not know?! You're the one who was talking to someone about how much you love me!"

"I don't want to lose you, okay?! Take a chill pill"

That moment, it went silent for about 5 minutes. You were upset and you knew tears were forming in your eyes.

Tal gains the courage to walk over and stand by you to talk about what happened. And, you seemed surprised.



"Can we talk about it?"

"What's there to talk about?"

"Our fight? The one that I started. Again."

"*sigh* I guess, but what is there to talk about? I thought you never wanted me to talk to you ever again."

"Tal, I was mad. I thought that was the way to stop it but it wasn't."

"Y/n, you're amazing, I wouldn't wanna stop talking to you.."

"I made it worse by saying all those things I didn't mean and I feel so so so so bad for it."


You stood there silently. Again. And Tal broke the silence.

"I'm sorry, I should've cared about you and cuddled you when you needed it."

"Tal, me too. I don't know what I would do without you."

"Me too.."

"I'm so so so so sorry, Tal.. I-"

You stopped your sentence by just breaking down into a puddle of tears.

"Awe, baby."

Tal hugged you and you hugged back. You stood there for a good 10 minutes sobbing and hugging each other like there's no tomorrow.

You end it all by giving him a sweet kiss on the lips, you missed them so much.

"So, y/n are we good?"


"Yay! I have my baby back!" He chuckles back.

You gave each other another sweet kiss and you agreed to always be honest to each other about what you were stressed about.

"Hey, I love you, y/n."

"I love you too, Tal."

Heyyyy, so did you like this one? I think it's so cute at the end! Thank you so freakin much for reading my second story! Make sure to vote and comment on what you want next! Should I take requests? Comment down below!

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