caught pt 3- tal

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I made this about 2 years ago, but I really like it, so I'm publishing it. ik this is an adi imagine but this part is gonna have tal. there's gonna be a little twist in this story.
so everyone, get your cups ready. lots of tea in this.

"get the fuck out."
as ashley scurried out the house, adi sat on the couch regretting his decision. he sat there crying hysterically. his brother tal came downstairs completely ignoring adi and walking outside.
adi followed him and tried to get tals attention.

"tal, bro please talk to me"

"adi. i don't wanna talk to you right now. you're better than this. out of all people, you were the last person who i thought would cheat."

"it was a mistake."

"no adi, it was a choice, you chose to listen to the stuff ashley told you and you chose to cheat with her instead of breaking up with y/n. she deserves better than a disgusting cheater like you"

tal got in his car to go to your house, he didn't know you that well but he's known you well enough to comfort you and tell you everything will be ok.

you got home and good thing you were home alone because you could go to your room and cry as loud as you wanted to. you couldn't believe this happened. you tried to pinch yourself to wake yourself up from this terrible dream. unfortunately, it wasn't a dream.

you were interrupted from your crying by the doorbell. great. whoever it is, you're hoping it wasn't adi.

you open the door and it wasn't adi, it was tal. why was he here? you've never even talked to him that much, why is he here to talk to you?


"hey.. y/n."

"why are you here?" you ask while wiping your tears

"i came here to apologize for my brothers actions, and i'm here to talk."

talk? talk about what? there's nothing to talk about. you guys had nothing in common as far as you knew.

"oh um. come in i guess..." you say as you give him space to come in.

he came in and he stood towards you.

"um, let's go to my room." you say awkwardly

"sounds good." he replies

he followed you upstairs into your room. he took a look at everything you had in there.

"sick room." he complimented

"thanks" you chuckled

you both sat down on your bed and you were there awkwardly until tal spoke up.

"hey, i just wanted to say i'm so sorry for what adi did. he shouldn't have done that to you. you deserve better than that."

"yeah. it's ok. i'm so upset. maybe i should give him another chance because i love him so mu-"

"y/n. give him another chance?! why? he did something horrible. it could butcher your relationship and make everything so awful and awkward. i mean if you really love him then go ahead, but just know, you'll never forget what he did"

you thought about his words. he was right. imagine going back to him after he did something so horrible. you shouldn't go back.

"yeah... you're right, why am i even still in love with him?! he's so disgusting for what he did." you burst out laughing.

he starts laughing with you and starts agreeing with you. you laughed for a good minute until you stopped.

you and tal looked at each other in the eyes and next thing you know his lips crashed onto yours. you guys started kissing passionately until you pushed him away.

"tal. no. we cant..."

Tal and Adi Fishman ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now