caught pt 2-adi

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as you heard screaming and yelling upstairs you immediately got upset. you could hear adi and his deep voice getting higher and you could tell it was breaking.
you wanted to go up there and help out your now ex boyfriend, but tal did it for you. you sat on the couch shaking while waiting. you see ashley spring down the stairs as adi was chasing after her.
she looks at you and adi dead in the eye. she turns to you first and says "i can't believe you ever dated this dick. he's not even a good kisser! he's not very good at sex either." then she turns to adi, "i can't believe i showed off my body to you. i can't believe i made out with you. ugh. what a pig." you look at her in shock. they had sex? you feel the tears filling up in your eyes. adi has always told you he'd be the only one to make love with you. that was a lie. you got so raged and you grabbed your stuff and you left. adi runs out the door for you.
"wait! y/n! wait up!"
"what the hell do you want? you wanna hurt me more?"
"no! not at all! y/n i'm so sorry i made a mistake!"
"really? doesn't sound like it."
"listen, i really am!"
"if you didn't wanna be with me, then you could've broken up with me! it would hurt but not as much as cheating on me. cheating is absolutely disgusting!"
"i understand that but give me a second chance!"
"i'm sorry adi, but i don't date cheaters. don't even talk to me. you're gonna wish you didn't cheat on me."
you walk away and open your car door. you back out of the driveway. you see him breaking down and punching the wall of the house.
as he seen you drive into the distance he breaks down. tears rushing down immediately on his perfect face. he slams the door to ashley staring at him. ashley starts with
"adi, listen baby. i'm sorry for saying that to you. let's just go back up to your room and i'll please you. let's go bab-"
"get out."
"i said get out"
"adi you don't mean th-"
"i do! i said get out! get the fuck out!"

Tal and Adi Fishman ImaginesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat