Chapter 32

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Ella offered to stay round mine so we stayed up watching Brooklyn nine nine and eating Chinese despite already eating pizza. Molly joined us in the beginning but left when she started to feel tired.

I was sure that Molly and Tim were madly in love  despite the hardships they've been through but that's the thing about love. If you truly loved someone, you'll always make your way back to each other no matter how far apart you get.

"Out of all of the characters in Brooklyn nine nine, who would you say I am." Ella said, stuffing her face with food.

"I reckon you'd be Rosa. You're very badass."

"I think you'd be Jake. Slightly dumb at times." She winked at me and I nudged her slightly. "Jeremiah would definitely be Gina and Ryder would be Captain Holt. Axel would be Amy, Blake would be Boyle and Brendan would be Terry."

"I 100% agree with you." I tell her just as another episode started up.

We continued to watch the rest of the season before I felt tired and slowly fell asleep.

I woke up, sat upright from my nightmare. I was sweaty and hot, breathing heavily. Ella was still fast asleep beside me so I got out of bed and headed to my bathroom.

After splashing my face with cold water, I looked in the mirror and the girl staring back at me. She wasn't the same girl who had all the confidence in the beginning of the school year. I was weaker... my guard had been let down.

I was getting unfit. I was eating more and working out less. I needed to get back on track and asap.

I wanted to feel confident again.

When I got back into my room I went back to bed but I just couldn't go back to sleep. My eyelids refused to stay shut as much as I tried my body wanted me to be awake. I looked at the time and it read 5:57am.

I got out of bed and went into my closet, changing into my running attire. I quickly put on my trainers and slid a dark grey hoody over my head before tying my hair up into a pony tail.

When I got downstairs I pulled my hood over my head and plugged my earphones into my ears before going outside.

It was the normal quiet neighbour hood but the once safe atmosphere I felt before seemed eerie as if I was in some sort of horror movie.

There were a few other runners so I knew that If anything happened, someone would be able to see. I ran my normal route, making sure to run at a pace where I wouldn't out do myself.

Just as the morning was getting brighter, I made my way back home, taking a shorter route as I was getting hungry.

"Jesus Kenz where were you?" Tim said as soon as I came through the front door. Ella was sat on one of the couches biting her nails looking nervous. She stood up when she saw me and relief washed over her.

"I went for a run." I say slightly out of breath.

"And you didn't tell us because..." Tim was angry and I knew that.

"I'm home now aren't I?" I tell him , slipping off my shoes and heading to the kitchen.

Ella followed me through and I got myself a bottle of water from the fridge. 

"You made me so worried Kenz." She told me, sitting at the island as I got some bagels from the fridge.

"I just needed to get out of the house." I tell her, putting the bagels in the toaster and taking the avocado out of the fridge.

"You should've left a note or something." She whined, resting her head on the island, wrapped up in my dressing gown.

"It's too late now anyway. I'm sorry for worrying you but I'm fine." I say and she nods.

When Ella went home I flopped on the sofa ready for the exciting day ahead. I planned to attempt to watch all of the friends seasons in one sitting.

"Kenz." Tim whispered beside me as Molly got up and went upstairs. I hummed in reply, not taking my eyes off of my phone. "I want to set up a date for Molly?"

"A date? Isn't it too soon for that?"

"Shh keep your voice down." He said between his teeth, "It's not too soon. Tonight I'm going to make dinner for her so can you keep her occupied  in here?"

"Sure." I shrugged.

"Alright, I'm going to the store." He said and I nodded, grabbing the TV remote and going onto netflix.

"Hey Molly!" I shout from downstairs. "Wanna have a friends marathon with me today?"

"Sure." She said from the top of the stairs before running down and joining me on the couch. It was Saturday today and I hadn't heard from Ryder or anyone at all since yesterday apart from Ella.

Molly and I continued to watch friends until Tim had finished cooking.

"Mackenzie, can I borrow you for a second?" He asked, popping his head round the door. I got up and went into the dining room. Tim had set up candles and rose petals to look romantic and I couldn't help but smile widely.

"This is so adorable. She's going to love it." I whisper and he sighs in relief.

"Can you get her please." He whispers and I nod, going back into the living room where Molly was sat still watching the TV. We had managed to get to the end of season three in a day which was pretty good for me.

"Molly, Tim wants you in the dining room." I tell her and she gets up and walks past me. I follow slowly behind.

"Awww Tim this is so cute." She almost squealed, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him passionately. 

I smiled at them before closing the door to the dining room and going back to the TV.

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