Ferocious flares

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Vik's POV

I had just finished recording a VR horror game. My vocal chords hinting about a sore throat incoming.

I sigh lightly to myself,the dread coming as the thought of editing comes to mind. I stand up from my chair and walk over to my mirror.

I look at myself hesitantly
'I look awful' I whisper senselessly.

I shuffle away from the mirror and start editing. The editing seems endless. I swivel round on my chair once half way through editing and see a shadow slinking its way towards me on the floor.

I sit there alarmed,not saying a word. It leaps towards me. I sprint towards Josh's room and once inside slam the doors shut.

'Remind me to never play horror games again at night especially' he takes a mental note and starts hunting for one thing: Pringles.

There is a packet of sticky notes on Josh's desk. I choose a blue one and write

'Brudda is your Pringle addiction dead? From Veek' I stick it to the door

I then leave the room and walk towards my room nervously. I peek round the door and see my edited segment replaying over and over. No shadow people though thankfully.

My phone starts buzzing wildly.
I pick it up from my bedside table. To my surprise its JJ

JJ🎶 - Hey smol boy I need some advice?

Vik - JJ its half past 4 in the morning. So Fuck off!

JJ🎶 - Ooh pussy boi gettin sassy.. Just help me you twat.

Vik - What do you want? You are such a child, oooo girl problems,help me vikky plz.. Just leave me alone.

JJ🎶 - I'll explain over a phone call.

Vik - Don't you da-

Vik's phone starts ringing as JJ tries desperately to call him. He hesitantly presses 'Allow call' almost immediately regretting it as all he can hear from the other side is slurred speech.

"Heeeyyy Vikky *hiccup* I needd yoouurr helpp with girlies *hiccup* I toiccheed ahhh gurrllss bwesstts *hiccup*"

"JJ? What are you on about?"

"Sorry mate Cal was hogging my phone. But anyway I need bail money for Cal and girls so I came to you because you are the most intelligent,not saying Josh and Simon aren't."

"So hang on JJ. Cal has sexually assaulted a lady while drunk and you are gonna force me to give you bail money?"

"Glad you get it. But trust me Vik if you don't give me what I want I'm gonna find you and fuck you up big time. Bitch boy" JJ says aggressively

"Please don't interrogate me JJ you prick"


I notice Josh has entered the house,shaking his jacket off and heading towards the fridge..while looking inside JJ shouts out

"BITCH BOY listen imma coming for you if you don't answer these questions"

I reply sharply and sassily with

"Frick off JJ I don't want to answer any of your stupid questions just leave me alone!"

I abruptly end the call before he could say anything else. I start to swivel around nervously
'Was he being serious? I feel like he was being serious...Oh fuck'

Josh is staring at me. He asks

"Vik you alright?" Josh softly ask

"Just fuckin' great Josh,never better mate" I reply sternly

I tell Josh everything. I trust him maybe a little too much. By the end he just nods sleepily.He suddenly looks sad and serious at the same time which intrigues me.

"Vik can i ask you something?" He asks nervously

I try to reply with cocktail sausages stuffed in my mouth

"Wat du ya wonna say?" I blush at my stupidity

"I was gonna ask if-" He starts nervously but stops abruptly to the sound of a window closing

"What was that Josh? What were you gonna ask?" I ask curiously

"Um nothing it can wait anyway um goodnight!" Josh replies nervously

"Um ok goodnight Josh tell me tomorrow yeah?" I ask questionably

"Sure"He replies sleepily

'Poor guy, probably hasn't slept in days' I say as i follow Josh up the stairs. I hear him sigh as he reads the sticky note and turns his head towards me.I give him a goofy smile and he waves goodnight.

I only smile and walk into my room.Editing will be the death of me i swear. It was just about to turn 5. I watched my clock tick until i heard footsteps coming towards the house. I think of only one person: JJ

I rush into Josh room and without even thinking I stand there staring at him until he realizes


"Can you hide me please Josh" I ask almost pleadingly

I knew he was gonna immediately say 'no' so I played my trap card: Puppy dog eyes

"Sure" He replied groggily,knowing damn well I won.

I bent down and hugged Josh

"Thank you Josh"

I noticed he perked up a little more. I have infected him with my happiness.I walk proudly over to the closet next to him. 'Perfect hiding spot' I though. Josh lightly chuckles at me being so predictable.

I hear stomping feet come up the stairs towards Josh's room. I must have hurt his feelings or something.

I start feeling guilty until i hear JJ speak to Josh. His voice made my breath hitch in my throat

"Have you seen the little prick Vik anywhere?" He said aggressively

Okay imma continue Vik's POV in the next chapter. See you there :)

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