Coldly Caring

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Vik's POV

I opened my eyes and panicked

I could feel my consciousness coming back slowly. Things that were blurry were becoming normal. I wasn't in a familiar place.

"Where the fuck am I?" I mutter under my breath

I looked at the walls. They were


I tried to find a exit but was met by a highly secured iron door. It had a peep hole. I banged on the door ferociously and was met by two chocolate brown eyes staring at me through the peep hole.

"What do you want prisoner?" He said sternly

"Um.. Where am I?"

"You are in your temporary home aka a cell courtesy of JJ.. He is my boss and I must obey"

"Wow never realised you had such a shitty boss" I replied sassily

And with that he shut the peep hole abruptly with a loud clang. Well it seems I'm gonna be spending a lot of time in here.

I already hate it

The silence engulfed my ears like the ocean. Not a sound was heard. I couldn't take it.

Silence is the worst for the ones with the loudest minds

Normally I have things to edit or things to catch up on. But where I am now. I don't have to do any of that. I wouldn't say its relaxing because I'm always on edge but it's just silencing.

Suddenly the door opens and someone steps inside. A guard I think. He places a bowl of food and a glass of water down on the floor before giving me a sad smile and leaving.

Well brunch is served I guess. I walked over to the bowl and picked it up steadily. I sit on the bed and look into the bowl

Hm Porridge

I thankfully was given a spoon so I didn't need to put my small hands in the disgusting slop. Oh I mean delicious meal. I grab my trusty spoon and dig in. I don't particularly hate it. But I don't love it. Its like Jojo Siwa.

Once I had finished my breakfast.  I felt quite full. I hadn't touched my water yet. I had kinda gotten used to my cell by now. But its quite hard to get used to a completely different setting. So I was still on edge.

A loud bang was landed on the metal door. The noise echoed through my cell. I looked hopefully up at the doorway as the door opened. Until I heard that now nightmarish laugh


I felt the need to cower in my room as he watched from the doorway. I never though JJ would be so devilish. His eyes burned into my back. I have to stay strong but I don't think I can.

He slowly starts to turn before shouting a rude remark and then  leaving. I sit on the bed cross legged and try to memorize songs in my head but all it is is


An hour later.

Mumbling could be heard from outside. The voices were undistinguishable. Everything went quiet and then there would be more talking then some chuckles.

This went on for more than ten minutes. The voices at last mellowed and all was silent again. Except from the occasional cough or sneeze.

I noticed I had started mumbling to myself and rocking on the bed

I wanna go home

I said this over and over until a loud bang was heard on the door followed by a muffled 'shut up!'
There was no point arguing. My boredom was immeasurable and my day was ruined.

I guess I'm just a fly caught in JJ's web.

Ok so I didn't know how to end this chapter. I also didn't do Josh's POV because he was just sleeping peacefully. I'm sorry if this wasn't very good. Just know that I appreciate you guys so much.

Ok bye ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2018 ⏰

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