Torturous Friendship

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Viks POV

I don't hear Josh say anything. All I hear is JJ's sigh and from what I hear he goes to rummage through Josh's belongings. Searching for me. He walks out slowly. As soon as he leaves I hear a mumbles 'Yess!' from outside the closet doors.

I peek my head out and smile happily while mouthing 'thank you' towards Josh. He did his usual thing. He nodded and smiled lightly

I quickly hid back in the closet as I heard footsteps coming back I could hear deep breathing in the room.

JJ was pissed I could tell and I hadn't even seen him yet.

I heard shuffling towards the closet. Instantaneously I was picked up by the collar of my shirt,slightly choking me. I was grabbed and lifted onto JJ's shoulders roughly.

I felt like screaming but nothing came out I lifted my head to see Josh distraught. He mouthed something to me but I couldn't make it out.

I was being carried down stairs by JJ. We entered a room and he put me down on a plastic chair. We were still in the house. But where?

Once I was sat down he tied me to the chair and I noticed it was JJ's room. Oh god help me its so messy. Being the tidiest roommate this hurts my soul to look at
(If you know you know ;) my G)

I visibly flinch but JJ still stares at me aggressively. He stares at me for a few minutes before going to edit videos. I look around awkwardly for something to do. I'd rather be editing videos
now that's a first.

"Hey JJ what you edit-"

"Shut up Vik. You've already pissed me off so shut your mouth before I do something I regret" He replied harshly

"Ooo what you gonna do? I'm not scared. You wouldn't hurt me. I know JJ" I asked teasingly

He got out of his seat once I said that and stood in front of me. Looking down at me. He smirked before bending down next to me face to face.

"Your gonna regret that" he smirked

"Okay maybe I'm a little scared"

He chuckles devilishly and brings his hand into a fist pulling it back

"Oh fuck"

His fist connects with my face. He then runs around to my back to puts his hand over my mouth to stop the other lads hearing my scream.

I try to bite his hand but he just slaps me in return. We stay like that for a couple of minutes until he takes his hand away but I have no screams left. So I whimper.

"Haha you are so weak. Anyway now that I've had my fun. Go to sleep bitch boy. I'm gonna tie you up so you can't escape. But you weren't thinking of escaping anyway were you bitch boy?"

"Fuck you JJ" I mumbled

"What was that bitch boy?"

"Fuck. You."
I knew that would set him off but at this point I didn't care

"You little bitch!"
He picked me out of my seat and stared aggressively into my eyes before slamming me down onto the carpet.

"Don't fucking move bitch" he says before leaving the room

I sit up and whimper. 'What had I done?'
I sit and realise a warm liquid was dripping down from my nostril and forming little droplets on my chin. Blood.

I somehow get onto my feet and walk over to the mirror. If i thought I looked awful earlier.

"Fuckin hell. I look like shit and feel like shit"

Dark rings had formed around my eyes and blood covered my face. My skin was pale and my hair was messy.

I heard footsteps coming towards the door and started to pace up and down the room. I am and was so scared.

The door clicks open and JJ comes in with a drink. He puts it down next to the door and jumps over to me, grabbing my collar once again, bringing me to his eye level

"I though I told you to not move bitch boy and you did. You will pay"

He throws me against the wall like a ragdoll and I can only assume I got knocked out.

I wake up to water being poured on me. I look to see who it was and was met with JJ's aggressive brown eyes. I feel like he was enjoying himself. Torturing me.

I try to turn away but got pulled back by the itchy rope tied around my wrists.

"Morning bitch boy. I got you good last night. Knocked you clean out when I threw you against the wall buddy."

"Fuck off JJ I hate y-"

Another punch was landed on me but it hit my stomach.


"You deserved that bitch boy. Don't trash talk me otherwise you'll regret it" JJ said smugly

I shot him a death stare in a fit of hatred. I didn't want to hit him because we all know how that would end.

He grabbed a bag and started putting clothes in it. I watched still sat against the wall.

"Where are you going?" I asked in a pushy manner

"Do you mean where are we going?" JJ replied gruffly

"I don't wanna go anywhere with  you. You creep" I said sassily

"Does it look like you have a choice bitch boy? Anyway to keep your mouth shut have this"

He walked towards me with a piece off duct tape. I yelped and tried to get away but to no prevail. He got me. I sat up against the wall, wide eyed. I didn't like this.

"There you go bitch boy all done." JJ said sounding proud of his actions.

He grabbed his bag and lifted me into his shoulder once again. He walked out into the kitchen and smacked my ass

"Good bitch boy no whining"

As soon as he said that I yelped and whimpered all I could but was drowned out by the sound of
Simon's alarm.

When we reached the garage JJ walked over to his car and put me in the trunk as well as his luggage. I didn't know where we were going but I had a terrible dread in my stomach. A bigger dread then what I get when I have to edit videos.

I didn't like it

Alright lads. Here is Vik's POV done and now onto JJ's. Hope you are enjoying your time reading this.
Also I have nothing against JJ I love him to pieces really. I just had this idea for him to be like this in this story. And don't worry Simon's POV will be back after JJ's POV is done.
Hope you are all good,don't be afraid to leave comments.
  Bye :)

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