Tormenting Talks

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Vik's POV

I can't see anything within this boot. Its just darkness. I have no idea where we are going. But I'm guessing its not good. I didn't think JJ would hit me (#stopvikabuse)

15 minutes later

It seems we have arrived at our destination. I hear a car door open almost immediately as the purring of the car stops. I hear footsteps outside the car and muffled voices.

The boot door opens and I try and cower in the corner. The sunlight burns my eyes as I get grabbed by the ankle roughly and pulled out the boot onto someone's shoulder.

It isn't JJ

They aren't as muscly as JJ and have pale white skin. I get set down onto a chair. Its freezing in the building. Suddenly my face gets grabbed roughly to face a certain way.

Then I see him, JJ

He seems to be smiling. He looks like he's having the time of his life. He looks at me and smirks. I send a cold stare back. He has a remote and switches some sort of projector on.

It starts playing videos of me. Sleeping. Crying. Walking in the park. Talking to my ex.

Anger flushes over me as I look over at JJ angrily.

He only smirks.

"YOU FUCKIN' SICKO" I shout aggressively

"You think that's all I want to show you?" He says calmly

He presses another button and the board is just filled with one thing.


A array of hate is displayed on the board.

'Omg your such a faggot'

'No wonder your not a doctor'

'I bet your mum thinks your a failure'

'Go kms fag'

"Hate will get to you some day Vik" JJ says proudly

"Fuck you JJ"

"You know what happened the last time you said that to me"

"Fuck. You"

Once I said that he starts walking towards me. I didn't cower away.
He stood in front of me and held my face roughly.

"You do not talk to me like that bitch" He said aggressively

"You get that bitch?" He said as he slapped me across the cheek

I shook my head stubbornly

He slapped me again.

"Do. You. Understand. Bitch?" He asked angrily

I nodded as a tear fell down my face.

"Good also I have a few more videos for you to watch"

I shook my head vigorously

"Your gonna watch them" He said forcefully.

I could smell the cigarette smoke on his breath as I cowered on my seat. The board still filled with hate. I couldn't do anything and so I did only one thing.

I cried

It made me feel weak and helpless and in this situation I was. Everyone in the room could sense my helplessness. But everyone was on JJ's side.

Except one guy who arrived late. He had a twinkle in his eyes and a bubbly smile. He seemed too nice to be with JJ's posse. I hoped he would cave in and let me out of these ropes.

But that still hasn't happened yet. I start to wonder how Josh was doing. He's probably worried sick and what about Simon, he's probably so confused.

Two hours later

No one has spoken to me except JJ. I am starting to go insane. I have no phone. That's the worst part. The same videos play over an over and I can't take it anymore.


"What was that Vik?"


"Someone's turned psycho"

"you are a fucking gay boy" I said slightly calmed down

Without warning JJ came strutting towards me and punches me in the face then reels back and hits me in the stomach.
He starts to walk away proudly until I blurt out

"I bet Simons disappointed in you!"

That set him off big time. He stopped in his tracks,turned on his heels and stared coldly at me.

"You are dead"

He then comes running up to me and punches me so hard in the head I feel like my brain could cave in. Everything just goes blank. Except one though.

Was JJ my friend?

I had no answer so I stayed blank for a while.

Alright I had no idea what to put in this chapter. I tried something different. I hope you like it. Also sorry for the chapters being spaced out time wise it just took me a long time. Also thanks to anyone who reads this story I really appreciate it. Ok I think that it.
Leave a comment if you like.

Bye :)

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