chapter 11

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You heard the doorbell ring and instantly nerves took over your body. You mom noticed too. "Dont be nervous Elizabeth" she said chuckling.

You looked outside and saw a limo. NO FUCKING WAY. SHAWN ACTUALLY RENTED A LIMO. you put yourself together again and opened the door.

Shawn looked at you in awe. "Oh my goodness. You are so gorgeous..." shawn said walking a few steps back. He exaggerated but it was cute and funny.

"Shawn stop it." You said blushing. "I'm sorry I'm just shook and amazed." He said . You laughed and kissed his cheek.

After taking a photo with shawn he took your hand and took you to the limo. Inside were his friends that didn't have dates. You were surprised about that actually.

"Damn, shawn you hit bullseye with that cutie." Saud one of his friends winking at you. You blushed and looked down at your lap. "Hey back off, shes all mine." Said shawn. He got ahold of your hand in the process.

He made you so happy. After a 10 minute ride of loud ass music and boys being stupid yall actually arrived. Shawn was all hyped bc he was spart of the mess but you literally just sat there unamused.

"Hey cheer up, I'll actually dance with you this time okay?" Shawn said concerned. "I'll make sure you'll change your mind about school dances." He said holding your hand.

You didn't say anything but looked at him. You almost even felt people just staring at you. Stared at how your skin popped out on the sides of your dress. Stared at how thick your thighs were. Looking at you and feeling disgusted.

You couldn't take it anymore. You let go of Shawn's hand and ran out of the gym. Shawn shot his head to were you ran. "Elizabeth were are you going??" He yelled. You ran to the back of the school, to were only the wind knew were it was.

You sat there and cried but not too much or your makeup will run. You pinched your legs, seeing how much fat there was and hating every inch of it, wishing you could just cut it off.

You heard footsteps. You looked up to see a familiar face. It was shawn.
Another chapter done!! Sorry I haven't updated in a very long time. But I haven't because I dont find the point if very little people are reading the story.

But yeah please vote if yall liked it♡

curvy and in love: a Shawn Mendes fanficWhere stories live. Discover now