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Lilia's POV
• tuesday december 23rd 9:44am •
"Jaeeeee! Thank you for taking me this morning! I don't think I could've survived the bus today!" I exclaim getting into his White SUV.

Jaeden and I met at Kindergarten when we were 5, we've been best friends ever since.

"Lilia, I take you places all the time, you're too lazy to get your license and you're too proud to take the bus. You make it seem like I never take you places." He rolls his eyes. I giggle at him.

"Sorry, it's funny when you get annoyed!" I laugh, he smiles and drives out of my driveway.

"I'm so happy I'm not in school anymore." He smiles.

We both graduated High School 1 year ago. He didn't choose to go college because he is famous and you don't need a degree to be an actor.

"I know! It seems like yesterday we were beans walking into High School together. I miss it though." I smile, thinking about the old times we had with our friends.

"I'm happy you studied teaching though." Jaeden says.

"I've got this year and then 4 more at Uni!" I say, clapping my hands.

"Fun!" He says, sarcastically.

"I know! I'm so estatic!" I laugh.

"I'm proud of you." He says.

"Thank you." I smile.

The way he was always so happy and proud of me made my heart melt.

"So Finn and Millie finally had the balls to ask each other out!" I say.

"I know, Finn has been groaning about her for the past 3 years." He laughs.

"Same with Millie. She'd go all heart-eyed when someone mentioned his name. It was so hilarious." I say.

"Yeah. Anyways, where are we going today? Finn and I are clueless." He complains.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." I say, poking his cheek.

"Stop that, you're real annoying you know that?" He says, pushing my hand away.

"I know! But you love me!" I laugh, throwing my hands in the air.

I plug my phone into the AUX and blast my trash music. Jaeden hates my music and never let me use his AUX cord, so I bought myself one.

I play Candy Paint by Post Malone because 1) Jaeden doesn't mind that song and 2) I love it.

"Candy paint with the white on top,
Lambo doors of the oo-op drop.
If you busy plotting on what I got.
Kick in your door, that's SWAT you thot.
Hundred thousand dollars on the table top,
Half price my whips, same price my watch.
Got no jumper but I ball a lot.
Bitch I'm young stoney, I do what I want" I screech.

"Okay, now after hearing you sing that horribly I don't like this song anymore." Jaeden shouts.

"What was that? I can't hear you over the beats or this sick song!" I shout sarcastically.

He hits me playfully and I continue to sing the song at the top of my lungs.

Once the song ends Jaeden exhales deeply.

"Thank god that's over."

"You know I want you.
It's not a secret I try to hide." The radio plays.

"Nooooo!" He screams.

"Yessssss!" I squeal.

"You claim it's not in the cards,
Fate is pulling you miles away,
And out of reach from me.
But you're here in my heart,
So who can stop me if I decide,
That you're my destiny?" I sing.

"Come on, you know you love it." I say quickly. He smiles and starts to sing the chorus loudly with me.

"What if we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine.
Nothing could keep us apart.
You'd be the one I was meant to find.
It's up to you, and it's up to me.
No one can say what we get to be.
So why don't we rewrite the stars?
Maybe the world could be ours,
Tonight." We sing loudly.

I make dance moves in my seat and Jaeden try's to contain his love for The Greatest Showman. We saw it together last week. To say we thoroughly enjoyed it is an understatement.

We continue our drive with The Greatest Showman and High School Musical songs.

We arrive in town and we sit inside the mall at a coffee shop called Amour. It was our sacred place. Our holy grounds.

Millie and Finn arrive 20 minutes after we do. As soon as I catch a glimpse of them I run over to Millie.

"Millie! I've missed you so much." I squeal, engulfing her in a hug.

"I've missed you to Lilia!" She says excitedly.

I let go and smile brightly at her.

"Nice to see you Finnlard, Happy Birthday." I laugh.

"You too Lililard, thank you." He smiles.

We all walk back to our table in Amour and order our regular coffees.

"So, how was Canada?" I ask, sipping my hot coffee.

"Amazing. It's was truly spectacular." She says in her cute British accent.

"Glad you guys made it back in time for Christmas and Finns birthday!" I exclaim.

"I know, if we spent another night in Canada we would've been stuck for another week or so." She says cutting her brownie.

"That bad?" I laugh.

"Oh yes." She says having a bite of her brownie.

We all continue our catch up and discuss our plans for Christmas and New Years.

We (the Stranger Things and IT cast) were all spending New Years together at Wyatt's house.

"This has been amazing!" I smile, standing up from my chair and brushing myself off.

"I know! It was so lovey seeing you both." Millie smiles.

"We all hug each other and say our goodbyes. Jaeden and I make our way back to his car and we drive back out of town.

"Okay, you may play Post Malone, The Greatest Showman and High School Musical on a reasonable volume. You have me a headache." He groans.

"Oh, my poor Jae-Bae got a headache!" I say, pouting.

He laughs and hits me playfully.

Okay, wow.

That spark.


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