t h i r t e e n

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Lilia's POV
• saturday august 4th 3:06pm •
"I'm sorry." I blurt.

"What for?" Jaeden laughs, nervously.

"For everything. You didn't deserve what I did to you." I say.

"Don't be. I truly understand, I really do." He smiles.

I smile back at him.

"Let's order?" He asks.

"Yeah." I smile.

Jaeden signals a hand to a waiter.

He walks over and smiles at us both.

"What can I get you two?" He asks.

"Could I please have a coffee, black, and a brownie." I smile.

He nods and writes it down on a notepad.

He looks over to Jaeden.

"Could I please have a cappuccino and I'll have a brownie as well." Jaeden smiles.

The waiter nods again and scribbles it down on his notepad.

He walks away.

Moments later, another waiter comes out and serves us our food.

I take a sip of by coffee and I burnt my tongue.

"Fuck." I mutter.

"Are you okay?" Jaeden Asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I just burnt my tongue. That's all." I smile.

"Oh, okay." He says, taking a small bite of his brownie.


• saturday august 4th 3:43pm •

"We should get going." I say, standing up.

"Yeah. Do you need a ride?" Jaeden Asks.

"Yes, of course." I laugh.

"But, soon I am getting my licence!" I exclaim.

"Aw, no more annoying car rides." Jaeden pouts.

I laugh at his expressions.

We walk out of the cafe and into Jaedens car.

He puts the car in gear and drives out of the car park.

"Time for music!" I say and plug my phone into the AUX.

I shuffle my playlist and it lands on Coldplay's Yellow.

Jaeden smirks.

"A song I actually like."

"Your lucky day."

We sing along really out of key.

Until the next song comes on.

Rewrite The Stars.

My heart started to flutter.

"You have such a weird playlist." Jaeden laughs.

"I know." I smile.

i have writers block so excuse this chapter
dedicating this short chapter to delilahthehoe cause it's her bday xoxo

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