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Jaeden's POV
• saturday august 4th 7:39am •
I haven't spoken to Lilia in 2 months.

It absolutely fucking kills me.

I've thought about her blonde hair.

Her perfect lips.

Her smile.

Everything about her has kept me awake for 2 months.

She broke my fucking heart.

But I still love her.

I don't think it's humanly possible to love someone as much as I love Lilia Buckingham.

I walk into Amour and stand in line.

The girl in front of me drops her books.

"Fuck." She mutters.

I bend down and pick up her books for her.

She turns towards me.

"Lilia?" I smile.

"Jaeden! Hi!" She says, excitedly pulling me in for a hug.

The smell of her perfume made me weak at the knees.

"I've missed you!" She smiles, pulling away from our embrace.

"Me too. We should get coffee this afternoon." I suggest.

"Yeah! Of course. I have a summer class in 30 minutes so I'd stay but I'm in a rush." She says walking closer to the counter.

"My usual please. Make it quick." She smiles at the barista.

"Yeah, good luck." I laugh.

"Thanks! So do you want to meet up around 2:30?" She smiles.

"T-that works." I smile.

"Great! I'll see you then Jae." She says, grabbing her coffee.

"G-Great." I stutter.

She smiles at me and walks out of the building.

I've missed her smile.

The way she walked.

The way she talked.

I missed feeling-

The spark.

Lilia's POV
• saturday august 4th 7:55am •
I get in my car and put my seatbelt on.

I exhale.

A tear slips out of my eye and down my cheek.

And another.

And another.

I missed that boy so fucking much.

The way he'd stutter when he was nervous.

The way he smiled.

Everything about home made me go numb.

But at the same time, when I was around him I felt alive and happy.


3rd person point of view
• saturday august 4th 2:34pm •
The perfect teethed, blonde haired girl walked into the small cafe and sat down with her one true love, Jaeden.

Jaeden smiles at her.

And she smiles back.

The mutual feeling of love creeped from their finger tips right to the tip of their toes.

"How have you been?" Jaeden Asks Lilia.

"Good. Really good." She lied.

Realistically, Lilia Buckingham had been crying every day of every week these past 2 months.

"How have you been?" Lilia asks, raising her eyebrow at the brown haired boy.

"Erm, to be honest not great." He says, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh, sorry to hear that Jaeden." She says with a concerned look creeping upon her face.

"No, don't be." Jaeden says.

Jaeden was still confused as to why his one true love broke his heart that one cold evening during June of 2018.

"Jaeden, I want you to know. I never stopped loving you. I never have, never will." Lilia says, holding Jaedens cold, trembling hands.

"W-Why did you to it?" Jaeden says, looking down at their intertwined fingers.

"I did it because, I was in denial. I was so scared, you don't understand." Lilia pleads.

Lilia was not in denial. She knew she loved the brown haired boy and wasn't afraid of it. She was scared that if they didn't last that they would never speak to each other again.

She was right too.

When she broke up with the brown haired boy they didn't speak for two months.

Those two months being the worst months of their life.

"But I do. You were scared that we would fall out of our friendship if we tried this and you were right. Being with you is a huge risk but that-that's a risk I'm willing to take." The brown haired boy told his one and only.

The brown haired boy did understand what she meant.

"Just please. Once more?" He asks, looking deeply in her eyes.

Lilia thought about this.

Oh how she did.

She wanted nothing more than to kiss the brown haired boys lips time and time again.

"I want to. I really do but." She said.

"But?" He trailed.

"Fuck it." She mutters.

Lilia leans in closer to the brown haired boy and kisses his chapped lips.

She could feel his lips curl into a smile.

She pulls away and her cheeks flush the colour of roses.

"You enjoyed that. Didn't you?" She giggles.

"Oh, I did." He smirks.

whooooooo hoooooooo

spark  |  lilia buckingham x jaeden lieberher Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz