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Jaeden's POV
• monday february 26th 7:47am •
"Morning!" Lilia says, kissing my cheek.

"Morning." I say, stretching and sitting up in the massive bed.

"It's our last day." She says, pouting her precious lips.

"I know, It's gone quick. I promise I'll take you back here soon." I smile.

"You're truly amazing." She says, resting her head on my chest.

I trace shapes on her shoulder and play with pieces of her blonde hair.

"I'm gonna miss it here." She says sleepily.

"Me too. Me too." I sigh.

We both eventually fall asleep in each other's arms.


• monday february 25th 9:48pm •
"Flight 763 to L.A, please board safely."

Lilia lifts her head off my shoulder and sighs.

She intertwines her fingers with mine and we walk to board our plane.


• tuesday february 26th 5:43am •
Lilia and I sit our stuff down and hop into bed.

"Wow, that was long." She sighs, sleepily.

"I know." I say wrapping my arms around her shoulders.

"I have school in a few hours." She groans.

"Don't go." I complain.

"I have to, if I wanna become a teacher." She replies, falling asleep in my arms.

I kiss her forehead and try to sleep as well.

We were woken by Lilia's alarm that went off at 7;30am.

"Ugh." She groans and rolls out of bed.

"Don't go." I say, snuggling up in the duvet.

"We already had this conversation." She says, turning on the shower.

She was so funny like that.

She's so witty, yet so caring and kind.

She made no sense to me, but she did at the same time.

Lilia Buckingham made me feel complete.

Lilia Buckingham is my soulmate.

The spark.


• friday march 2nd 12:49pm •
Lilia walks into her room and collapses on her bed.

"What a week!" She sighs in relief.

"I'm happy you're home. I've been bored." I say, shutting my laptop and sitting it on her bed side table.

"Ugh, so have I. We've been learning about child development and how to understand what goes through a child's mind at school when we're teaching and how to cope with them." She says.

"Sounds like fun." I laugh.

"Its not that bad. It's really just a bit confusing so I just sometimes zone out." She says.

"Zoning out. Fun." I laugh again.

"You annoy me." She says.

"But you love me." I smile.

She smirks and rolls her eyes.

"Let's do something fun this weekend." I say.

"Like what?" She laughs and sits up.

"Well we should go see everyone cause I've only seen, Finn and Millie since I got back." I say.

"And I'm leaving next Friday." I sigh.

"That's right." Lilia says, sadly.

"But only for another 2 months and then I'm done." I say, smiling.

"But then you have to go to all of these premieres and interviews." She sighs.

"I have almost 10 months before I need to go do those things!" I laugh.

"Oh yeah!" She laughs.

I loved how her moods changed so quickly.

She's so easy to please.

Yet sometimes so hard to understand.

there's gonna be a time skip cause i'm having writers block and i'm lazyyyy

spark  |  lilia buckingham x jaeden lieberher Where stories live. Discover now