e l e v e n

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Lilia's POV
• wednesday may 9th 2:21pm •

"I don't want to talk Jaeden."

"Please just-just listen."


"Yes, you're going to listen to me a-and believe me."

I roll my eyes and close my front door.

His hand stops it.

"Lilia. Don't do this. You don't want to."

"Jaeden, I obviously fucking do!"

"It's all fake. I promise, please. Just listen to me!"

"I'm fucking listening."

"Sage is and extra on that movie I was filming and she had the biggest crush on me. She knew perfectly well that we were dating and when ever she saw me on the phone to you, she would lose her shit.

So, she got someone to photoshop some photos of her into the photos of me in my hotel, after I showered."

I freeze and tears well up in my eyes.

Every inch of my body believed him.

"W-Why would she do that?"

"Because she's a shallow, mean girl."

I smile at the words he chose.

I look back at Jaeden.

He had some tears on his cheek.

"I-I'm so sorry Lilia, I really am. I never meant for this to happen."

"I know you are, but I-I just don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything."

And with that I close my front door and walk back up to my room.

I was so fucking angry.

I don't know wether it was at Jaeden or myself.

I slam my door shut and hit the wall with my fists.

I start crying and crying.

I felt so betrayed but I wasn't.

There was a voice in my head saying;

Fool, forget him.

But my hearts saying;

Don't let go.

This broke me.

This hurt me.

I should have told Jaeden I believed him.

But I didn't.

Because I was scared of what would happen if I did.

I would have gotten hate.

I would have turned into a pushover.

I would give my life for Jaeden.

But I didn't.


• friday june 1st 4:39pm •
I haven't spoken to Jaeden in 3 weeks.

Every single day I thought of him.

Every single fucking day.

And everywhere I went something reminded me of him.

I unlock my front door and walk inside of my house.

I make myself some food and sit down on my couch.

I turn on the T.V.

"Grease at 7:30 tonight!
Don't miss the wonderful musical about friendship, forgiveness and love!"

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