f o u r t e e n

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Jaeden's POV
• sunday august 5th 6:01am •

do you wanna go to the beach???????
jaeden, wakey wakey
get up sleepyhead

oh my.
okay, yeah i'll go to the beach.

like now?

what? my mom would kill me!

how 'bout 8:30-ish?


I laugh and get out of bed.


• sunday august 5th 8:26am •

I walk out of my house and get in my car.

It was a very hot summers day.

There was a pure silence outside.

I put the car into gear and drive down the street.

Lilia was sitting outside on her phone.

She looks up and smiles at me.

She stands up and gets in my car.

"Hello!" She smiles.

"Why are you so happy?" I ask laughing.

"It's summer, there's no reason not to be happy." She giggles.

That laugh.

We drive out of our neighbourhood and towards the beach.


3rd Person POV
• sunday august 5th 8:56 •

The Brown haired boy parked his car and looked towards the blonde haired girl.

"Can I get out?" She laughs, making eye contact with the boy.

"Yeah." He laughs.

They both grab their towels and phones and enter the beach.

The beach was practically empty.

There was a young couple walking a puppy.

A Mother and a child.

And a few early morning runners.

Lilia lays her towel down and sits on it.

Jaeden does the same.

"It's so pretty." She smiles.

"I know." He agrees.

"I'm swimming." She laughs.

Lilia takes off her shorts and shirred bandeau.

She revealed a white bikini and some major tan lines.

"You coming?" She says to the brown haired boy.

The blonde haired girl runs right into the water and dives head first when she gets to her waist line.

The brown haired boy laughs and shakes his head.

You're special Lilia Buckingham, he thought to himself.

He took off his shirt and joined her in the water.

When Lilia rises above the water, Jaeden splashes her with water.

She laughs and splashed him back.

The feelings that were bubbling inside of them just couldn't be contained.

They both felt a spark in their hearts.

They had felt this spark for years but they only realised recently that it was a spark of true love not true friendship.

When they had stopped their water fight Jaeden dived silently under the water when Lilia wasn't looking.

He glided towards the back of her knees and spears them with his feet.

She screams and falls into the water.

Jaeden resurfaces And laughs.

"You're gonna get it." Lilia laughs and tackles him playfully.

They continue to play and time passes by.

They eventually get out of the water and sit on their towels.

"Lilia?" Jaeden says softly.

"Yes?" Lilia smiles.

"I just want to know where we stand." He starts.

"I want to be together again." She giggles.

"Well I want to officially ask for the second time." He trails.

"Yes?" Lilia smiles.

Jaeden looks towards Lilia.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" The brown haired boy blushes.

"Yes. Of course." The blonde haired girl smiles.

Jaeden leans towards Lilia and they lock their lips.

Lilia pulls away.

"I love you Jaeden. I always have and always will." The blonde haired girl blushes.

"I love you too Lilia. Forever and always."

The spark ignited in their hearts once again.

one more chapter :((((

spark  |  lilia buckingham x jaeden lieberher Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin