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Jaeden's POV
• monday may 7th 9:55pm •

I drop my bags and she runs towards me.

She hugs me and we spin around, holding each other tightly.

"I've missed you!" I say.

"I've missed you more." She smiles.

I pick up my bags and we walkout of the airport with our fingers interlocked.

We catch an Uber back to my house.

I walk inside my house, Lilia following me.

"Mom?" I yell.

"Hi! Hi! Jaeden!" She says, running out of her office.

I engulf her in a hug and squeeze her tightly.

"Hi Mom." I say.

"How was your trip?" She smiles.

"Good, really good!" I say.

"Hi Angela." Lilia says, smiling.

"Lilia, darling." Mom says, pulling her in for a hug.

We talk with my mom and walk up to my bedroom.

Lilia and I lay on my bed.

She digs her head into my chest.

"You had fun?" She says, sleepily.

"Yeah, I did. But I missed you so much." I laugh.

"I missed you too." She yawns.

"Sleep child." I giggle.

"Thank you." She says, drifting off to sleep.

Not long after her, I'm asleep as well.


• tuesday may 8th 10:36am •
"Jaeden, get up, it's 20 to 10." Lilia says, waking me up.

"That's not how you speak to your significant other!" I pout.

"If you don't get up I will shove significant other up your ass." She says, eyeing me.

I laugh and get out of bed.

I walk downstairs and pour myself a bowl of cereal.

I take it back upstairs and sit on my bed, careful not to spill any of the milk.

"What's up?" I ask Lilia.

Something was obviously wrong.

She was witty but always had a smirk on her face when she was.

This time she was angry.

Really angry.

"It's none of your business." She says, turning away.

"Yes it is. You're my girlfriend now Lilia, you can tell me absolutely anything."

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter."

"It obviously does. If it matters to you, it matters to me."

"It's silly."

The cookie.

"Tell me please." I beg.

She frowns and looks at me.

"You ever heard of Sage Adelaide?" She says, angrily.

"No. Why?"

"Well apparently, you cheated on me with her." She says, raising her voice.

"What?!" I say in utter confusion.

"Don't 'what' me Lieberher. You fucking cheated on me." She says, bursting into tears.

"Who told you that?"

"That doesn't matter. Your photos with her are everywhere on Twitter." She says, grabbing her wallet and phone.

I grab her hand as she walks away.

She looks in my eyes.

"I didn't, I swear."

She snatched her hand out of my grip.

"Touch me again and I will end you."

She walks downstairs and I hear the door slam.

I was speechless.

Who told her that I cheated?

Lilia's POV
• tuesday may 8th 11:19am •
I walk into my house and up to my bedroom.

I curl up into a ball on my bed and cry.

My phone buzzes non-stop with makes me cry more.

It was all from Jaeden.

i swear i didn't do it
it's fake
i promise
please lilia
i love you so much
it's not even funny
i feel incomplete without you
you make me so fucking happy


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