Chapter 7: Show Off

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"Show off your own style and uniqueness to stand out. That's the advice I'd give to people starting online now." - Conor Maynard

A/N: Sorry for the late update, but are there any requests for armors?

'Hey' - Thoughts
"Everyone!" - Normal Speech
"Thanks" - Spiritual or Electronic Speech
*For* - Sound Effects or Actions
"Reading" - Super Moves and Abilities

Onto The Story!

We're starting with the 50-meter dash apparently, but that would be the first of the five tests. Well, I kind of ignored everyone else's runs because I was thinking about the other classes.

"Bakugo and Midoriya, you're up next!" Aizawa yelled lazily before the two of us walked up to the starting line. "Midoriya, if you hold back, you will be expelled immediately."

"Yes, Aizawa-sensei," I said without acknowledging him, but in my mind, I was freaking out. Then, I switched to my One For All Armor and used a 5% Full Cowl before getting into a starting position next to Katsuki who was seething in rage.

"Ready..." The robot started to say at the end of the track.

"Don't get in my way, Deku."


"Don't worry, you're in my way."


In an instant, I was at the finish while Katsuki fired off explosions to propel him but seemed to get even faster once he saw me. After a few more seconds, Katsuki made it to the finish line with even more rage, but I seriously doubt he can get even madder.

 "Izumi Midoriya - 0.28 seconds. Katsuki Bakugo - 4.32 seconds." The robot said while most of my class looked on in awe before we went to take the Grip Strength Test.

After the boy in front of me got a score of 513 kilograms with his six arms, it was my turn. In my previous armor, I activated my Full Cowl once more before hearing a creaking sound from the machine as I gripped the handle, earning a score of 692 kilograms.

"Midoriya, please stop before you break the machine," Aizawa-sensei ordered/asked as I nodded and released my grip and Full Cowl before walking to take the Standing Long Jump Test.

When I got ready by switching to my Angel Armor, Aizawa-sensei walked up to me.

"Midoriya, you can fly so I'll save the trouble and give you a score of infinity."

"Thank you, Aizawa-sensei!" I said with a bow before waiting for the rest of my classmates to finish the test.

Next was the Sustained Sideways Jump, to which I was the least confident with as I already saw the midget pervert get the highest score of 69 in one minute.

"Midoriya, you're next!" Aizawa-sensei said as I got into my Angel Armor again. "One minute starts now."

As I jumped back and forth, I used my wing to correct my balance and stored away my sword and shield. 

"42 successful jumps." The robot said as I almost toppled onto the ground, panting. Before I could get up on my own, Todoroki-kun offered his hand, to which I gratefully accepted.

"Thank you, Todo-"

"Just Shoto is fine."

"Well, thank you, Shoto-kun."

"Come on, the Pitch Test is next." He said before walking with me, quite close I may add.

Now, we were at the pitch test and Shoto got a decent score of 200 meters. But now I had decided to redo the test using my full power, well, at least what I could control. After being called up, I got everything ready again as I had the softball in hand.

"Meteor Crash!" I yelled as I threw the ball which certainly looked like a mini-meteor as it exited the atmosphere, leaving a small trail behind it created off some energy I siphoned off to it. But now my pointer finger is completely crushed and broken.

"Another infinity looks like you tied with Uraraka," Aizawa-sensei said while showing me the score on his phone.

Once everyone finished the Pitch Test, we were gathered together while Aizawa-sensei put up the scores. Leaving Toru Hagakure in the last place, but I honestly forgot she was here.

"I'm sorry to say this, but none of you are expelled," Aizawa-sensei stated before popping up several videos of heroes like Mt. Lady and Endeavor. "If I know anything, students like yourselves have much more room to grow. Like Mineta and Bakugo, Endeavor had severe behavioral issues while he was at UA. While those like Hagakure and Kirishima just have yet to discover ways to use their quirk, which is similar to how Mt. Lady was when she was here."

Saying that made select students beam with happiness and hope while a certain blonde was seething with rage once more.

"But before I let you leave, I'd like to show you all something you can do now rather than later," Our lazy sensei said with a creepy smile as he made a video of the Juggernaut appear.

'Why me? What did I ever do to you, sensei?'

"As you may know, the vigilante Omni has appeared in the last month. Well, Midoriya over there is the acclaimed vigilante, but before you upset her, she saved many lives while taking down a villain with ease. Which many heroes struggle due to their stubbornness, selfishness, or hunger for fame and money."

At that moment, everyone looked back at me and mostly down to me as most of them were a head taller than me. "Please don't hate me!" I squeaked out as I shook in pure fear before being hugged by Shoto-kun.

"Izumi, why would we hate you for saving innocent people and defeating a villain?" He said calmly before leaving the embrace and holding me by the shoulders.

"I guess there'd be no reason," I said nervously before I looked back at the rest of my class.

"See, you did the right thing time and time again!" Hanta-san said with a thumbs up.

"Yeah! Super Manly!" Kirishima-san said before realizing what he said. "I mean for a girl, ya know."

"I think I get it," I said before giving the two a hug. "Thank you!"

 That's A Wrap!

You should know -kun and -sensei by now.

Nothing new.

Super Moves
Meteor Crash (See Chapter 5: Test Of A Hero)

A/N: Sorry for the very long wait, had a trip to Pennsylvania with my family and I wanted to write my stories a bit beforehand so I can spend some more time to play video games with my friends.

But I will try to add some filler to this story to make Shoto and Izumi date, so they're like an actual couple.

Also, I left this story with barely 1,000 reads and now it's at 2,000 reads. So, Thank You!

 So, Thank You!

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