~♥•The Boy Out The Window•♥~

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♥8:49 PM♥ [Days Later]

Izuku couldn't sleep. He was feeling something weird, like somebody watching them, or moreover, him. There wasn't any sound present except the rumbling of the air conditioner in Katsuki's room and the silence was deafening. Izuku was scared and scooted closer to Katsuki. He must just be imagining things but it feels like there's someone outside the window.. peaking in the room. The thought sent shivers down Izuku's spine and he hugged Katsuki closer to himself. Just as he was fixing himself in his position, he caught a glimpse of a shadow on the window. He wanted to make sure he was imagining things and made a final glance on it but the second he turned was the instant he turned back. He wrapped Katsuki's arm around his head as comfort and buried his face into the boy's chest.
There, on the window beside the bed was the head of someone peaking inside. He couldn't stare longer and wasn't able to make out the face but he was sure there was blood all over the guy's head.
He then cried himself to sleep.

[7:49am] (The Next Morning)

Katsuki awoke in the morning, cuddling someone. He saw Izuku and snuggled closer.
Wait what the f-
He immediately sat up. It was what he wanted to prevent the most; to touch his one and only precious thing in such a way. He didn't want to taint his little baby-doll with such things. He quickly stood up and was about to leave when-

'Kriiiiiiing! Kriiiiiing!' The clock went about startling Katsuki and waking Izuku from his sound sleep. Soon after, Izuku's hand felt it's way to the clock to turn it off and then to Katsuki's space, eyes still closed. When he felt that Katsuki wasn't there, his eyes shot open.
"K-Kacchan.." He whimpers.
Katsuki crawled behind him and turned him over. Izuku looked at him wide eyed, face flushed, with tears rolling to the left side of his face.
"Why are you crying?"
"N-Nothing..!" He hiccups and rubbed his tears away with his clothes. Katsuki was concerned and wanted to help Izuku whatever is the problem but he didn't press. He took Izuku by the hand and led him to the living room. He didn't see his mother and went to the kitchen for breakfast. There, he saw a note on the fridge; "Cook for today, I was called in early for work."
Katsuki sighed.
"Deku, sit down in the living room. I'll co-"
Izuku furiously shook his head. He didn't want to leave Katsuki's side. He couldn't tell him what he saw the night before either. He knew all too well that Katsuki wouldn't believe him.
Izuku just clutched his shirt tighter and looked down.
Katsuki sighed.
"Fine, let's teach you to cook."
Izuku's eyes filled with excitement and nodded furiously.
"Don't tell me you can't talk now?" Katsuki raised an eyebrow at him.
"N-No.. Sorry.."


And now, Katsuki and Izuku are wearing their aprons ready to cook and serve meals for... themselves..?

"Here, Deku, let's get you to learn how to handle a knife."
Katsuki holds Izuku's hand and places the knife in his palm, making him clench onto it.
"Never try to use that thing in other ways because it is solely for cooking. Ya hear me?" Izuku nods.
"Okay, here goes," Katsuki started to chop the carrots into pieces and Izuku could only watch in awe.
"Do the same to this other one," Katsuki placed the pieces of carrots in a bowl and set a new one on the chopping board for Izuku to use. Izuku hesitantly nods his head.
Izuku attempts to slice but he was scared of getting injury so the knife would slide sideways. Katsuki saw his troubles and decides to help. He rested his chin on Izuku's shoulder and guided Izuku's hand how to hold the knife and the vegetable in place.
"Here, if you're careful, you won't injure yourself, like this," Katsuki proceeded with slicing them with his hand over Izuku's. Izuku squirmed a bit on his grip, his cheeks red from burning embarrassment.
"Deku, I'm just helping you, nothing more, nothing intimate, nothing to get embarrassed about."
They go on like that for the rest of the procedure and soon was eating on the table.

[8:39am] ( Afterwards Eating)
"So.." Katsuki starts when he was almost finished with washing the dishes.
"Why are you holding onto me like that?" Izuku's hands clutched tightly onto Katsuki's cloth as if he was a baby. Izuku didn't want to let go but decided to anyway. He didn't want Katsuki to feel insecure by him being all clingy.
Katsuki sighed.
"What is it? You've been hiding something from me the whole morning, it's about time you tell me." Katsuki said in a commanding tone and dried his hands with a towel hanged nearby.
"I don't like it when you hide something, Deku. Come on, spit it out."
Izuku silenced himself and looked down.
"In a count of three~?"
Katsuki somewhat knew, well, not the whole thing but just the gist of it. He knew that something scary happened the night before, a nightmare maybe. Izuku stared at him in disbelief.
"Two!" Katsuki snickers quietly and Izuku was going to hold onto him again when-
"Three!!!" Katsuki ran away as fast as he could and Izuku was left dumbfounded. Unknown to Katsuki, Izuku felt a burning gaze again. It hurt, his insides squirmed and told him to run. But he couldn't, he was that weak. He fell to his knees and cried.
"Ka.. Kacchan.. Kacchan..!"
Katsuki walked back to his direction.
"Okay, can you tell me now?"
Izuku just nodded his head. They went to the living room and sat on the sofa while Izuku explained the event of yesterday night.

"He's always around, I can feel it, he's here.. He's here Kacchan..!"

"Calm down, Deku, I know just what to do." Katsuki thinks that this is just Izuku's paranoia due to the scary story he told the smaller boy days ago but he didn't want to end up like the mother who waited till' she saw the real thing and let her child suffer mental trauma.
"Just relax, we'll find out who the bastard is, things such as ghosts doesn't exist. I'll protect you from the scumbag, I promise," Katsuki decides and pats Izuku's head.
"T-Thank you, K-Kacchan.."

[7:39pm] (Same Day)
"Why do you think are there ghosts?"
Katsuki looks at him confused.
"I told you they're not real, didn't I?"
"That is your opinion, Kacchan. What if they're real?"
Katsuki rolls his eyes but he thought about it too.
"They need something, I guess."
"Like what, Kacchan?"
"Hmm.. Dunno."
Izuku thought hard. Maybe he can help the so called ghost. He glanced at the window and he shook violently in fear. There in the window was-
"KACCHAN!!" Izuku cries as he hug Katsuki tightly hiding his face in the taller boy's clothes, damping it with his tears.
Katsuki immediately knew what's going on and quickly took a glance on every window present in his room. There on the window by his bed was a boy peeking, half of his head hidden, only his eyes and above were visible and he's head along with his face we're bloody. His eyes we're nothing but two dark sockets and Katsuki was scared to death. He immediately looked away but he remembered that he had to know if that thing's real.

But what if it's real? Izuku here is a doll himself too! What if ghosts are real too!?

Katsuki quickly stood up and ran towards the window, ignoring every feeling of fear that stood in his way and as soon as he reached the window the boy ran away, not being able to when Katsuki caught his arm, though. Both the boy and him fell out of the window and Katsuki struggled to keep him in his grasp.
He was on top of the boy and the boy squirmed from under him.

"Kacchan!" Izuku from inside the room turned on the light and quickly ran on the window, almost falling off.
"I fucking caught him!" Katsuki grins at Izuku, face pale and panting. He was scared, honestly, but he would NEVER admit shit.

"Kacchan! I'll be there in a second!" Izuku says and runs out of Katsuki's room.

Katsuki sighed and noticed that the body under him has stopped moving.
"Let go.." The boy quietly mutters, face flushed red. Katsuki was also embarrassed but he did not dare let go.
"S-Shut up! You brought it upon yourself!" He yelled to hide his blushing face. The boy just looked away, avoiding eye contact with him.
'Deku hurry up and come here!'


Guys, the first time I made this chapter, everything I wrote would be deleted, i freake
d out and thought I'm never gonna be able to wri
te anymore when i decided to just make a new one and delete the "Monika Infected"
But then---
That chapter couldn't be deleted no matter what I do-- help me what the heck is dis I'm freaking out^€¥^^€€€™¥¥=¥¥€£¢¥€£™°{¶¶¶¶¶§¶××÷Π÷××√•^={]™™{°€[°€^[[™™[℅™™∞≠″+{¥·±<›★‡·‰

[Completed!] My Childhood Friend ~ AU ~ (KatsuDeku/BakuDeku) ♥Where stories live. Discover now