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Sorry if I'm updating too fast! 😂
My mind is set on finishing my books after all! 🌼

Anyway, I hope you enjoy today's chapter as well! 😊💕


[6:12am] (Springtime)

It's spring right now and the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

"Deku, wake up." Katsuki gently nudged at Izuku.

Izuku rubbed his eyes and looked at Katsuki, waiting for what the blond has to say.
"What is it, Kacchan?"

Shouto then suddenly jumped from behind Katsuki, wearing a happy smile.
"Let's go flower-viewing!"


Katsuki is currently searching for what Izuku has to wear for the occasion.

"What's flower-viewing, Kacchan?" asks Izuku.

"Exactly what it says, viewing flowers."

Izuku cocked his head to the side, thinking whether Katsuki was messing around or being serious.

Katsuki then shoved him the clothes he was to wear.

Izuku quickly forgot about his questions, easily being replaced with excitement.

He wore the garments Katsuki gave him and fixed up his hair in the mirror.
He wore a light blue jacket that's big enough to cover his butt and blue jeans. He wore his usual red shoes that Katsuki gifted him.

He went back to the room and they soon left.

[7:26am] (Same Day)

It was insanely cold outside because of the wind that rocked the cherry trees. It was the main reason the cherry blossoms rained and the sun shone brightly upon them, illuminating the view.

Izuku was left bewildered by the beautiful sight. Katsuki laughed at his reaction and looked at Shouto who also seemed to be new to this experience.

"Kacchan, it's raining flowers!!" Izuku yelled as he danced in the middle of the shower.

"Yeah," Katsuki laughed and took out his phone to snatch some pictures.

A group of people started putting blocks together to create a mini stage in the middle of the cherry forest.
A woman stood there, with spiky black hair and was being helped by others connect the mic to the speakers.

Izuku and Shouto went back to our picnic area I just prepared.

She then called the attention of the loud commotion,
"Hello, everyone! Thank you for attending this year's hanami! You can call me Ms. Nemuri, I'll be this year's host. I hope you enjoy your time, Thank you!" She said and climbed down the mini stage.
Sure enough, people started walking around, others picking flowers.
It was recently discovered that cherry blossoms can be used as a base for tea, it's probably for that reason.

Shouto opened the bag they brought and took out a black box that is designed with golden patterns.
He opened it, revealing an assortment of different kinds of side dishes.

Shouto, you rich kid you.

Katsuki prepared the plates they will eat on while mumbling angrily to himself and Izuku just stared at him comically.

[Completed!] My Childhood Friend ~ AU ~ (KatsuDeku/BakuDeku) ♥Where stories live. Discover now