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"Y/N! You're on duty for the kissing booth this morning!"

"Nayeon! I was just there yesterday afternoon!"

"Well, too bad. Jeongyeon reported to be sick with the flu, so you're taking over for her. I have to run the ring toss booth."

Oh, wait.

Lemme rewind a little bit.

My name is Song Y/N, and I am 17 years old. I live in Seoul with my parents, and I go to one of the best high schools in Korea. I'm a part of the Student Council Club, and we run a number of booths during the state fair each year. Unfortunately, one of those booths had to be a kissing one.

Since this fair runs for a two or three days, we run different booths everyday, but I just had to be the one to operate the kissing booth twice this year.

The customers yesterday apparently ate too much tteokboki and contracted fish breath. Gross. Hopefully today will be better since many people have coffee during breakfast. Coffee breath isn't terrible.

I sat on the stool poisely, watching as the line of mostly ajusshis grew larger and larger and size. Were these men desperate to get laid during their high school years? Poor them.

As the first person approached me, I smiled sweetly, trying to make it seem like I was excited to be kissing a bunch of strangers simply for the sake of funding our school's club, even though I actually wanted to kick every person in the balls. He tilted his head and touched his lips on mine, hovering his mustache directly above my nostrils. It took everything for me to not sneeze all over him.

After the first couple of people, I sort of got the hang of it, making a subtle fish face against people's mouths so there wasn't too much skin to skin contact, but what amazed me even more was the fact that a bunch of people woke up and looked forward to kissing a 17-year-old on the lips. I didn't really see myself as very attractive, and yet my friends always try and tell me that I am. Weird, I know.

Not keeping track of how many people just went by, I just sat there, waiting for my time to end so I could touch my lips on something much more appealing, like food afterwards. Looking out into the still Great Wall of China-length line, a silver quaff of hair caught my eye. Did a bird fly in here? No way I'm kissing that.

Some older man's head moved a little to reveal a younger man, who seemed about my age, if not, a little older than that. Apart from his silver hair, he had pointed eyes, a thin nose, plump lips and a sharp jawline, and if that wasn't enough for me to continue staring at him, his white button up shirt revealed his firm arm and chest muscles. Okay, maybe running the booth today wasn't so bad.

I tried to give the next five or six people speedy, light kisses, just so I could take my time with the gorgeous man that was now slowly approaching me with a hand in his pocket and slightly hooded eyes. Y/N, control your hormones. He came here for the same reason as the rest of these ajusshis.

As he walked up to the stool and kept his gaze on mine, he placed his large palm on my neck, tilting my face upwards and creating a better angle between us. Soon after, there was no more time wasted before he pressed his lips against mine, his teeth grazing my lower lip, but I didn't care. A hot guy who I'll probably never see again was kissing me, so might as well enjoy the moment, right?

My eyes slowly shut as I gripped his shirt for some kind of support, sighing through the makeout when he gently nibbled my lip. If it weren't for some guys screaming, "Hyung! There's a motel across the street, you know?" Then, we could have kept going.

When the next customer approached me, Nayeon was quick to halt him and tell me that my shift was over. At least I ended it on a good note.

That man left me completely in awe, and was it bad to say that I wanted to know more about him?

My feet carried themselves behind him and his friends like some creepy, possessive stalker. I'm not like that, I swear.

Seeing him halt at a cotton candy stand, I rushed behind him in the line. Y/N, what are you doing, you perv?

"I'd like one cotton candy, please," I say while taking some bills out of my pocket.

The man looked behind him, and he was shocked to see my face. "Wasn't that the girl you just kissed?" I heard one of his friends mumble to him as he continued to stare at me.

My cheeks were soon painted in a rosy shade before the tension was cut with an ajumma handing me my cotton candy. Hiding my flushed face behind the sugary cloud, I mumbled, "Oh hi! I didn't expect to see you."

"Really? It seems like you followed me here," the silver-haired man scoffed. Geez, arrogant much?

"My shift ended and I wanted cotton candy. What's wrong with that?" I sass back.

"Whatever you say, Y/N."


"It's written on your name tag, dumbass," he said before flicking my forehead, making me wince at the pain. Apparently I voiced my thoughts out loud in order to elicit this kind of response from him.

"Hey, I'm not a dumbass!" I protested.

"You forgot that you were wearing a name tag, so that automatically makes you a dumbass. Now, I'll have some of that."

He pinches a large chunk of the pink sugar off and places it in his mouth. He may be somewhat of a jerk, but it was really cute to watch him chew the candy.

"Hey! I paid for that!"

"Yeah, and I paid to kiss you, babygirl," he says with a smirk before winking. And he's back to being a hot, arrogant little bastard. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

"I was chewing."

"Okay, babygirl." How'd he go from calling me a dumbass to babygirl in a few seconds flat? "Listen, I would love to keep this conversation going, but my friends are waiting for me."

"Wait, I don't even know your name!"

"Namjoon. Kim Namjoon," he said in a husky voice before turning his back to me. "Also, put some Carmex on or something. Your lips were super dry."


A/N: Ayyyye how are my favourite readers doing? Hope you liked the first chapter of "Kissing Booth"!

Also, if you haven't noticed by now, I have a thing for idols with silver hair, haha. 😆

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