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Over the next week or two, I thought a lot about what Namjoon said the night of the party.

"I don't want to do anything to you because of a game or setup. I want to do it because it's genuine."

I feel like one of those really cliché girls in movies who are constantly on some guy's tail. Ever since a new flower bloomed in my life, I feel like I'm the bee who's wings are either too weak to fly to it, or the winds are too strong and the sweetness of the flower moves along with them.

I know that Namjoon and I are compatible; my gut is screaming that right now as we speak.

So, today, I'm going to tell him how I feel.

Since our actual science classes were right next door, I stuffed a paper scroll into his backpack, telling him to meet me on the rooftop after school. No one really goes there, and you can see sections of forest landscape if you look far enough. It's quite a sight, especially for an urban city.

By the time the dismissal bell rang, I immediately raced to our meeting destination, some tingling sensation coursing through my veins. I was excited to see Namjoon after a while, but today could also either make or break what we already had before.

Breathe in and out, Y/N. It's just Namjoon, who can be such a sweet little fluffball at times.

"This better be worth it. I have a lot of engineering homework to do tonight," Namjoon's voice cuts the silence as he approaches me from behind.

"You actually came," I said, turning around to meet his gaze.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" He chuckles.

"I don't know. I just thought you wouldn't after we haven't seen each other for a week or two."

"Silly Y/N. Anyways, what did you have to say to me? I'm assuming that's why you asked me to come here, right?"

I nod, shyly biting my lip.

Now's not the time to crap out! I kept telling myself. I thought I mentally prepared myself enough for this moment, but now that a living, breathing Kim Namjoon was in front of me, I felt like I was going to run out of oxygen.

"You look like you've seen a ghost. What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, Joonie," I smile, reducing a bit of the distance that was already between us. "I just took some time to think about what you said at your party.

"And, regarding that, I just wanted to tell you that I don't feel that way."

"What?" Namjoon's eyes widen in confusion. Oh, no, does he think I'm rejecting him?

"You said that you wanted to do...stuff...with me only if it was real, right? You didn't want it to be because of a setup?"

He nodded, but I could tell from his contorted face that he was still confused.

"When I said I don't feel that way, I mean that every little moment we spent together, whether it was teasing and bickering or just plain breathing the same air, I never felt that it was forced.

"It's confusing, I know, but—"

Namjoon's lips crashed into mine, feeling soft and warm against my own. The pressing sensation of his mouth against mine began to lessen, soon turning into a rhythm of taking my lower lip in his and sucking it gently. Unlike the first kiss we shared, this one was not rushed or playful. It was slow and passionate, and we took all the time we needed to confirm our feelings and desires for each other.

"Namjoon I-I," I stutter when we pull away for air. "I l-like you."

"One day, I met this girl at a kissing booth, and since then, I've never stopped thinking about her.

"I like you, too, Y/N."

We smiled at each other before our lips connected once again. No more teases or innuendos were necessary when my hands caressed his neck while Namjoon's stayed on my hips.

By this time, the sun was starting to set, but we stayed tangled up in each other's embrace, watching the beautiful orange sphere slowly melt away into the landscape.

"I love you and all, but I have homework to finish," Namjoon says, kissing the top of my head.

"I'll let you get to it, Joonie."


A/N: End of fanfic! I'm sorry if some of you thought it was kind of short though. I feel like I can write angst better than I can fluff haha. 😆

Maybe I'll put some bonus chapters of Hobi and Sehun, since we didn't really get to see their chemistry throughout (sorry again 😩).

Still, author-nim's plans have not stopped there, but she has to go back to the drawing board.


Have a lovely day, my readers! 😘



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