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After a few more days of this same routine, my parents had me sit in front of them and swear on my life that I wouldn't waste their precious money by eating out. I knew inevitably that this would happen and even tried to convince Namjoon many times, but he wouldn't believe me.

"Kim Namjoon, this is all your fault!" I yell slightly, not minding that we have nothing to do in class since we finished our design already.

"Y/N, you're being too loud again," he says, leaning closer to me so he could fluster me with his manly presence, and damn, did it work.

"Whatever. Just know that my parents scolded me like a child for wasting my money on you, and I'm definitely getting my ass beaten every day when I get home," I scoff.

"You might want to call the authorities then. I don't know how I'd feel about some older people hitting my ass."

"I swear to fucking Jesus, if you're making a sexual innuendo—"

"You're clearly far from pure if you're gonna keep cursing like that."

"Whatever. My point is, I can't take you out anymore, so..."

"Take me to your house. I haven't had home-cooked food in a while," he smiles cutely, but he's probably dying to get in my pants.

"Okay," I say, relieved that he won't make me work for him or anything.

"But, you'll have to give me a little something more in return."

Damn it, Y/N. Why'd you speak so soon?

"Anything I ask of you, you obey me, babygirl. Is that clear?" He asks, lowering his voice a good three octaves, and damn, did that turn me on.

"Are you trying to be kinky with me, Kim Namjoon?" I raise my brow. "I know 50 Shades of Grey is a great movie, but I would absolutely hate to be in Anastasia's shoes."

That movie actually sucked, but I wasn't kidding about the second statement.

"N-No," he muttered, eyes widening and shaking his head rapidly.

Time to have some fun.

I spot the supply closet not to far away from us, and my inner hoe comes to life. Taking his sleek, black tie in my hands, I drag him around the various clumps of students that littered the pathway and manage to quietly sneak both of us into the tiny room. Since turning the light on would tell other people that we're here, I left it off, keeping Namjoon's tie in one of my hands as the other pulled him closer to me by the shoulder.

"Y/N, what a-are you d-doing?" He says shakily.

"Trying to get an answer out of you, Joonie. What else?"


"What happened to the confident man who kissed me about a week ago? I look at you and see a lost, little boy."

I don't know what it was, but something made Namjoon switch from bottom to top in zero seconds.

"Oh, yeah? Let's see who's confident after this," he says, finally not attempting to hold back against my grip anymore.

Then his lips touch my neck, and both of us go crazy.

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