05 | Happiness

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She definitely remembered his name this time.

"I..." Wonho began and trailed off, but ruffled his hair and tried again. "Are you okay?"

Haru watched as the gold flecks on his hands mixed in with dark amber.

Was he nervous?

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Are y-"

"Haru, you crazy bitch! Where are you!?"


Why was he being so persistent? It's not like they ever actually meant anything to each other. The way he treated her was more than enough evidence of that.

"Fuck." Haru breathed out as she went to pick up her camera, crouching as to not be seen. Her lens sat completely shattered a few feet away, but she thought maybe she could still save her camera by taking it to a shop.

"I'm so sorry for bumping into you," She mumbled out, remembering that she hadn't knocked into just anyone.

"Or more like I tackled you to the ground." She took her gaze up to look at Wonho, the corners of his mouth slightly pointing upward into a soft smile as he sat there, his hands behind his back to prop himself up. Surprisingly, she felt her mouth mirror his.

"It's okay, I think my guitar case got most of the hit anyway," He radiantly chuckled out, as if the current situation didn't bother him in the least. Haru gave in and briefly laughed at his light-hearted attempt to make her feel better about it, but Chanyeol's fussing became even louder; the reality of the situation hitting her once again.

"Where the hell did she go?!" She heard Chanyeol shout and felt herself physically cringe.

"I can't catch a break with this guy," Haru hissed aloud as she fumbled with her camera and scooped it up, making a run for it down the sidewalk once more, completely forgetting about Wonho and her lens in the process.

After all, Haru thought, it wasn't the first time she ran away from Wonho.

But this time it wasn't his fault.

At least, not entirely.

She still felt a bit of uneasiness at the fact that she could see his colors. It felt like an invasion of privacy and it made her want to stay away from him that much more.

She was constantly being reminded though, that some things just couldn't be prevented.


After running for a few blocks, Haru leaned against a convenience store's wall to catch her breath, her hands on her knees.

She wasn't in the best shape.

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